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I'm looking to install FTimer for use in a C172 in FSX.

Will this work? The Readme File refers to 2004 and doesn't mention FSX at all.

And on a slightly different track. Why is there the insistence on timers integral to the Flight Sim?

Not a problem, but I'ld like to understand the reason.


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Hi Keith,

Yes, the fight timer will work in FSX, however, it needs a 2d panel to display or you can create a window for the time as discussed here=

In panel.cfg...

[Window Titles]

Window00=Main Panel

Window01=Radio Stack




Window05=Mini Panel

Window06=JDA Gauge Test Panel // Added

Window07=SALS // Added








gauge00=SALSv9!SALSv9, 0, 0, 140, 160

This is for a different "gauge", but should work the same for the timer. The new window is on the Views menu under Instrument Panel and is resizable and relocatable if undocked - just slide it to the second monitor.

The ident parameter can be most anything but should not duplicate the ident value for one of the other panels.

You don't need to specify a panel bitmap file (there's none in this example) if you're happy to just have a "floating gauge".

This is FS9, but I expect that the same would work in FSX.

As for the insistence for the flight timer, it is only that we would all be using the same calibration for the Test/PIREP entries and it saves you the hassle of remembering when to start and stop the timer at crucial stages of the flight. Not compulsory by any means, sorry if it came across that way, it is just another tool that may help you.

We do need the time submitted in minutes and decimal seconds for the calculations to be accurate. If you only have a "standard" time of, for example 17 minutes 42 seconds judged by your FS panel clock or your Navitimer wrist watch ( :wootmesalia:) then multiply the seconds by 1.667 to give the decimal seconds, so that would equal 17:70 in our world!

I hope this helps, please let me know on the forum if you have more questions.



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Why is there the insistence on timers integral to the Flight Sim?

I'm sure the main reason is to be sure that whatever you are using to measure your time is in lock-step with your FS. If your system pauses or stutters FS, the timer will be paused too and your timing will remain accurate. Also, if you click out of FS and have "Pause on Task Switch" set on, or if you pause FS during your flight, the timer will be paused too. If the timer is external to FS, it will continue to run and your recorded time will be too long. It's really for your benefit.


EDIT: I forgot to mention it but using accelerated time in FS is another issue if your timer is external to the sim.


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Also beware, if you go to slew mode, the timer will reset to zero and start again (From zero) when you go back to normal flight, or reach 35kts which will make a nonsense of the timing.

As John says, pausing the sim will pause the timer but it will not reset to zero.



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  On 12/04/2011 at 21:38, KeithD said:

I'm looking to install FTimer for use in a C172 in FSX.

Will this work? The Readme File refers to 2004 and doesn't mention FSX at all.

And on a slightly different track. Why is there the insistence on timers integral to the Flight Sim?

Not a problem, but I'ld like to understand the reason.


It does work but make sure when you save the gauges file you save the Digital Folder that contains the guage.

The rest of the directions are pretty straight forward. I, and some of my other sim buddies have had succes except for the default Beech Baron...

Hope this helps,


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Finally got that timer working in FSX last night after a few failed attempts. But since the plane I plan to fly (Carenados PA-34 200T Seneca II) already had 14(!) 2D panles defined in panel.cft I had to replace one of them with the timer.. No worries though, I mainly fly from the VC anyway...

Next goal, to get the test flight done.

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