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Genesis of a legend.

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In 1974 the USAF put out a tender for a new Lightweight fighter following its experiences in Vietnam where agility was seen to be needed rather than sheer size as in the F4 Phantom etc. Two contenders emerged, the General Dynamics YF16 and the Northrop YF17. The YF17 was based upon a highly modified F5 airframe and as such had 2 engines as opposed to one on the F16. The USAF chose the F16 for its new fighter but the YF17 attracted the eyes of the Navy and it emerged in an enlarged form to serve worldwide today as the FA18 in all its variants.......

Genesis, The F5E



Contender, The F16



the Northrop YF17 Cobra, Its F5A beginnings still evident but the shape of things to come is emerging.






Evolution, The FA18 Hornet




the EA18 Growler


FA 18 Super Hornet, Bigger , better, faster and a modern superfighter


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Alan, I'm very sorry, mate, but those 'F-5As ' are F-5Es.

The easy way to tell is the little bit where the wing leading edge meets the fuselage/engine nacelle bit. (don't ask me the proper names for the bits).

On the F-5A Freedom Fighter, it is straight, but on the F-5E Tiger II, it's 'bent' - like the ones in your pic (FlyLogic, are they? - very nice!).




PS - if you want an F-5A, Piglet (Tom Conrad) does an excellent freeware one for FSX and FS9 as in the above pic - it's on all the usual sites.

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Great shots Alan and educational too, does that count as homework?!!



FS Homework..nice. Great shots, Alan. I can't work out whether this is FSX or FS9. The texture pattern in shot 8 looks like FSX.. then others look like FS9. :fool:



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Ah, that explains it - I was going to say I wasn't aware of an Iris F-5 and would have to go looky - but it being FS9 is the reason.

I only had FS9 so I could fly the excellent Herc from Capt Sim, though I did do some Cargo Pilot runs in it (to justify the expense). As soon as I got the C-130 working in FSX, FS9 got ditched.

BTW - if anyone wants to make me an offer for it, I'll throw in FScene 1, 2 and 3 as well - plus several DVDs full of freeware stuff, too! :)

Sorry to digress :blush:

I really like that first RNoAF F-5A piccy - it reminds me of the ones that often visited Gütersloh in the late 70's. :001_th_smiles89:


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