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About Gunnar18

  • Rank
    Ground Staff
  • Birthday 18/11/1957

Profile Information

  • Location
    Bergen, Norway
  1. Every fighter pilot needs a good trainer...
  2. Congrats Mark! Love that shot :icon_thumbup: Well done.
  3. A lot of good entries here.... Here are mine
  4. Congrats Mike! I am not sure if your C-47 will survive that stunt, but it's definitely a creative interpretation of the topic :001_th_smiles89: Well done!....
  5. Thanks Jan - excellent paint work. As for many FSX port-overs, there are some issues with the transparent parts. I am looking after a way to get the windows more reflective.
  6. I am currently working on a Norwegian livery for the excellent freeware DC-3/C-47 model by Manfred Jahn. The real RNoAF C-47 with the letters BW L is located in the military aircraft collection at ENGM/Gardermoen.
  7. My first contribution this month will be the Cessna O-1/L-19 «Bird dog» This little aircraft is known for it's low and slow performance. I've seen it in action - using full flaps while flying at about 50 ft AGL. It was quite impressive. My #2 shot - the Surfing Cub ...and my last
  8. Thanks! I was noticed by a friend of mine, that the little text next to Donald should read «Food huntin'» and not «Good huntin'». The Donald Duck picture was a fragment of a catroon named " Food Huntin'" and thats what Donald says on the tail. I have made a replacement texture for the tail, and this update will be uploaded to the AVSIM library ASAP.
  9. Thanks a lot all. Soon to be finished and uploaded to the AVSIM Library.
  10. Soon to be finished. «The Hunting Club» was originally a B-17F. But, as long as there are no F models available for FSX, I decided to apply the textures to the A2A B-17G model.
  11. Agree! Most of the 208's I've seen don't have the cargo pod. Anyway - great shots Jan. One of your liveries?.....
  12. Thanks Joe! My two previous B-17G liveries («Sally B» and «Stingy»)are available from the AVSIM Library. «The Hunting Club» will need some adjustments before she can be uploaded :biggrin:
  13. While painting the Accu-Sim B-17G, I came over this one. I couldn't resist painting this «tail art». Well, the original aircraft was a B-17F. But, I think the «tail art» fits the G-version as well :blush:
  14. Gunnar18


    Thanks all! Found this old photo....
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