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MEBAR 063 - Leg 4 Shots

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Traffic 2005 (Just Flight) with all their PlusPaks, mainly. I also add freeware (and sometimes payware) AC as traffic manually. I'm pretty sure the Hawk is from that package.

The only add-on I have for EGDX is from that traffic package. It includes a little over 2,300 enhanced airports world-wide. I don't fly in Europe very much so don't have a lot of add-on scenery there, however did buy the UK2000 EGHI some time ago and have a few freeware ones scattered here and there.


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I would guess that the Hawks is from Traffic. I met them to and I'm using the FSX verion (TrafficX).

The :censored: was coming in to land as a was getting ready to enter the pattern. Had to hold for a little while to avoid being overtaken on finals.. lost me some time that I couldn't catch up on my way back to Southampton :cray:

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...I think the full stop at EGDX is more straightforward than the touch and go at St Just, where I 'gained' 5 minutes!...


I'd be interested to know how you went about the T&G, e.g. what altitude did you climb to on departure from EGHE, did you overfly EGHC, enter the circuit, etc, etc, or something else. I also gained a significant amount of time on Leg 3 with certain aircraft, but I have already identified other reasons for that.


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I think the full stop at EGDX is more straightforward than the touch and go at St Just, where I 'gained' 5 minutes!

I didn't think either of those was particularly challenging, but did have a "timing issue" coming out of St. Just. My flight planner saw the T&G as a full stop landing and re-set the cumulative elapsed times column, which I was using to measure on-time performance at successive waypoints, to zero there.

I had not noticed it in the hard copy flight plan I was using until climbing away from St. Just and finding the time-hack for my next user-defined waypoint (the coast, straight out from the T&G runway) an impossibly small value. Not wishing to reset my timer, the rest of the time check data for the flight was useless.

I did OK anyway, but learned an important lesson from that one.

In my opinion, the most difficult challenge of the entire rally was finding Eaglescott. In stock FS9, even when staring right at it from 0.2 NM from about 1,100 MSL it was nearly impossible to pick out of the hash of the surrounding farmland.


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