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If you would like to show your patriotism, and why not? You can add an animated flag to your profile, see left.

This can be found in your profile under "Country" just select yours from the drop down list and the job's a goodun!

Cheers :salute:


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Bonjour Joe,

Like the flag addition, joe, but what about the case where one is an expat (like me!), proud of one's country of origin/nationality but living in another country? ...... Can one have a split zone for the flag(s)? ...... and what about the European Flag?!


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Hi David?

You mean this one Europe.gif ?

I thought this one was there in the list but it wasn't. Just select Europe as your country :001_th_smiles89:

Don't forget we have a section called Location so use a combination of both!



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