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Paint it Black(bird)

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Hello all,

I was listening to some music the other day and a song came up that gave me an idea about doing another FSX video on a particular aircraft. The song was Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones and the aircraft that came immediately to mind was the SR-71 aka Blackbird aka Habu. So if you fancy watching the video I done in tribute to this amazing aircraft then press here for the video.. The video is best watched at 720p or 1080p at full screen, please feel free to vote on it.

Here are some screen shots taken directly from the video(hence they look slightly grainy & washed out), I do hope you enjoy them:










The SR-71a at 80,000 feet:


The following shot is not from the video, it was taken from a clip that didn't make it in the video but I liked the shot.


As always, thank you for viewing my work. I do hope you enjoyed the view.

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That's pretty good. But your "FSX 1080p king by queen (Boeing vs Airbus) VERY HIGH QUALITY!!!"

is fantastic. It just blows me away!

The views, the vehicles, the people, the angles. Simply amazing! :001_th_smiles89:

Though I think it would have been more approriate for the Airbus to have the engine fire, rather than the Boeing.

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Great video Soya, and Paint it black counts in as one of my all time favorite songs too...

Somehow it fits the Blackbird much better than Beatles song Blackbird too :)

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Lovely work Soya, the video has such smooth action and high quality, a pleasure to watch :001_th_smiles89:

Thanks Joe, the pleasure is mine.

Jaw-droppingly brilliant!


"... Valley of Death ... 80,000 feet and climbing." - nice touch and excellently produced vid - well done! :thum:

Chers - Dai. :cool:

Thank you but that is not my quote, apparently it was quoted by one of the SR-71 pilots and they put it on a plaque at one of their SR-71 bases in Japan, I believe its still there today.

That's pretty good. But your "FSX 1080p king by queen (Boeing vs Airbus) VERY HIGH QUALITY!!!"

is fantastic. It just blows me away!

The views, the vehicles, the people, the angles. Simply amazing! :001_th_smiles89:

Though I think it would have been more approriate for the Airbus to have the engine fire, rather than the Boeing.

Thank you but the king by queen video is not one of mine, you must have clicked on a different link at the end of my video or on the random youtube choices.

Great video Soya, and Paint it black counts in as one of my all time favorite songs too...

Somehow it fits the Blackbird much better than Beatles song Blackbird too :)

Thank you kindly and my thoughts exactly on the song.

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