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There was barely time to look out the window however with my flight plan taking me close to some restricted airspace.


As you can see I had to do a lot in 30 mins!

If anyone wants to try this flight feel free to ask for the plan. I had to avoid the dangerous airspace and the training zone to the south west. I picked up the A303 and headed over to Stone henge before landing at Boscombe airport.

Oh and the weather decided to try and distract me also!


Picking up the A303 with Stone henge just over the motorway barrier.



Thanks for viewing........if anyone has any Plan G flightplans that were particular memorable, could you let me have them?


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Super shots Rich, great scenery for VFR, I agree with you about the best shot.

If you are interested, I have attached the plan for my flight last weekend from Mutley Field to Calais?



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Thanks Joe!

I was thinking about a scenery package for Nice, since i am off there on my holidays this year. But i wonder if there is a good scenery for Calais? I must get a good one for Mutley Field too!? Any recommendations?


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Hi Rich,

Scenery for Nice has to be Aerosoft Nice Côte d'Azur X of course, if you get that then you have to get Aerosoft Monaco X It's like never ending scenery purchases!

Anyhow, I am just undertaking a series of reviews of France VFR starting with Brittany and they have photoscenery for the Nord-Pas de Calais region too. It is a 2.4 metre/pixel resolution scenery so quite detailed. They tell me that it will be replaced in time with 1 metre/pixel scenery so will really be HD photo scenery.

They have all sorts of sceneries and airports available so it is worth a visit to http://www.francevfr.com/ you will need some type of on line translater unless you use Google Chrome browser :001_th_smiles89:



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Oh, and Mutley field airfield and buildings are included in the UK2000 VFR Airfields Vol 1 scenery demo so you can get it for free! The photscenery is Playhorizon (Generation X) Version 3 being shipped from today.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Picking up the A303 with Stone henge just over the motorway barrier.



This is a great screenshot, can I just ask what if any scenery and weather related addons you were using at the time.

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