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Nice shots Peter, looks like an interesting experience!

Thank you John...Yes these sorties are interesting to fly, especially over the sea in real weather. However, the same thing over the mountains around McLeland Field is much more challenging :rolleyes:

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My daughter was in Civil Air Patrol in her high school years and was a Cadet Captain. My son-in-law was a cadet in his high school years and is now a Senior Member (adult leader) with the rank of Major. He was, until recently transferred by his day job with the USAF, the Squadron Commander of the group in the Fayetteville, NC area.

CAP is officially the USAF Auxilliary and they have three programs, Aerospace Education, Cadet Programs and Emergency Services. They will perform S & R missions as designated by the AF. IF it's a military or large commercial AC that's missing, usually the military types will handle it. If not, then the chore goes to CAP and they are well equipped and trained. They do it well.

Cadets do not act as pilots in S&R missions but do provide aircrew observers, etc, at times.

They have a pilot training program for teens who wish to participate in it and all sorts of other things. It's a good organization and is very good for the kids. We're very happy that our daughter was a member.

Nice looking shots in the post. I enjoyed it. Like AirHauler, that kind of app provides some simulated purpose to our simulated flying, which adds much.


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