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I'm planning on upgrading from Vista (yes, I still have Vista :icon_yikes: ) to Win 7 this weekend. I am going to wipe the HD clean and do a complete reinstall.

Can you anyone here remind me on the correct procedure for reinstalling FSX?

Do I install FSX and then run FSX, then install the SP?

I can't remember the proper steps and I recall it was a specific procedure.


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Hi Rich,

If you are wiping your HD then it should be simple.

Install FSX first then install Acceleration which will put you straight onto SP2, job's a goodun :001_th_smiles89:

If you can, create a partition just for FSX away from your OS drive and when installing FSX you get an opportunity to opt for the new drive.

Just found this

If you have the newer Gold Edition of FSX, it has everything you need already integrated.

1.Install both FSX and Acceleration from its DVDs and you're good to go. If you have the older Standard or Deluxe Edition, follow the instructions below.

Install FSX from the DVDs. This will put you at the RTM (release to manufacturing) version - the original code Microsoft shipped with the game in 2006.

IMPORTANT - we do NOT recommended installing to the default file location in Windows Vista or Windows 7. (Program Files or Program Files (x86)) - Windows "protects" anything within these folders and has been shown to cause numerous problems with the install and configuration of addons. We recommend you pick a simple folder path outside of these folders such as C:\FSX

2.Run the sim once, going through the validation process and then loading it up to the point where you see the main interface. You do not need to load into the sim itself, load an aircraft or anything like that. The purpose of this step is to initialize the FSX.cfg file and a few other processes that get the sim ready to use. You will likely experience trouble if you try to go directly to installing the Service Packs or Acceleration without doing running the sim once first to initialize it.

3. Now you have a choice to make, if you own Acceleration, install that off the DVD, validate it, and you are done. It already includes everything that SP1 and SP2 do. Do not try to install either of the Service Packs after you've already installed FSX. If you do not have Acceleration, continue on to step 4.

4. Download SP1 here and SP2 here. You need both files.

5. Install SP1. Run the simulator once after, just as you did before with the RTM version.

6. Install SP2.

7. FSX is now installed clean and up to date. You can now set up your options and begin installing your addons. We recommend performing a defrag after you're done, preferably using a program like O&O Defrag in the Complete/NAME mode, as FSX is highly fragmented after install. (Note that this does not apply if you are using a Solid State Disk (SSD), defrag has no relevance to a drive that uses random access flash memory)

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Thanks Joe! That's just what I was looking for.

I've been having a lot of CTD's and other issues lately so I figure it's time to bite the bullet and upgrade to Win 7 (AKA Vista Service pack 3).

Wish me luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Joe! That's just what I was looking for.

I've been having a lot of CTD's and other issues lately so I figure it's time to bite the bullet and upgrade to Win 7 (AKA Vista Service pack 3).

Wish me luck!

Win7 will do you a treat for those BUT make sure you download UIAutomationCore.dll and drop that into your FSX root folder.

CTD's will be a thing of the past then.

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