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New life for old joystick ...

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Well, after a dysmal attempt to repair an old joystick, I took Jack's advice and went for the OpenCockpits Analogue Axes Card. After a bit of a wait, the pack arrived yesterday, so I thought I'd link it up with the X-Y potentiometers on the joystcick. Had a bit of trouble sorting the little plugs out (The air was blue! - Ed), but finally got the crimping tool to work:


Holding my breath, I plugged the USB cable into the card and then the PC. Windows 7 downloaded the software from OpenCockpits and proceeded to install the driver. Started up FSX and, to my amazement, the joystick was 'live'. Checked the calibration and - yep - it worked. :thum:

For a card like this to work 'straight out of the box' says a lot for the developers - Well Done OpenCockpits, and Thanks, Jack! :clapping:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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Attaboy, Dai! Nice work. Isn't tweaking fun? I think this kind of stretching of the FS hobby is what makes it so absorbing - something for everyone.

What about the buttons on the joystick? Do they still work with the old card, and is this now a dual-card, dual-plug joystick, or does the new card handle the buttons as well? Or perhaps this is going to be cyclic with no need of buttons?


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Here's the next instalment - The Cyclective Proto-type...

As I can't afford £1500 for RC Simulation's Cadet System, I thought I'd build my own. Using the old joystick - the stick is the Cyclic and the throttle used for the Collective - and connecting via OpenCockpits' Analogue Axes card, this is what the proto-type 'Cyclective' looks like:


The OC card sits under the old joystick base:


And it passed the Q.A. examination:


But, does it work? Well, yes - amazingly enough!

Next step, get some buttons working and, possibly, rig up a twist-grip throttle...

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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I can see Saitek shaking in their boots Dai!

Seriously, it is coming on well and if you get that twist-grip throttle working then it's really going to make the sim more usable for helis :001_th_smiles89:

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Thanks for the feedback - it's really just a proto-type so rather basic! Here's an idea of the cost:

1. Old joy-stick - in my case the USB cable connection was knackered.

2. OpenCockpits Analogue Axes Card is 25 Euros, but there's the cost of P&P from Spain (about 20 Euro for UPS) ...

3. Some cables and (crimp) terminals - from the local hobby shop - so a couple of Euro...

4. Some wood and plastic pipe (20mm plumbing!) - another 5 Euro...

5. A few hours of trial and error with the construction

All up - around 55/60 Euro. Not cheap, but functionally what I wanted - a reasonable Cyclic and Collective. You can't really practice hovering/landing etc with a normal joy-stick even with pedals for the rudder. I tried and got really frustrated - you need to have a really fine control on the Cyclic and the Collective has to have a reasonably big movement range for much the same reason.

As I said, the next step is to link up the joy-stick buttons with the OpenCockpits card - it'll take 24 digital inputs but you have to build a diode array (A What? - Ed) as part of the interface. This is a bit beyond me at the moment!

Anyway, thanks for the interest. :thum:

CHeers - Dai. :cool:

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As I said, the next step is to link up the joy-stick buttons with the OpenCockpits card - it'll take 24 digital inputs but you have to build a diode array (A What? - Ed) as part of the interface. This is a bit beyond me at the moment!

Ah! the sweet smell of solder and burnt fingertips!

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