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Digital Aviation Dornier Do-27 (FSX, SP2)

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Hi All.

I have been playing around with my Do-27 this weekend, and have managed to fix the "black rear windows" fault on this plane in FSX with SP2.

All I had to do was (you will have seen my screen shots of the "ZEBRA STRIPE" Do-27 B2) well the windows in this newer version of the plane work with FSX SP2, so all I had to do in the end was to identify the window textures from the Zebra and just copy paste them into the texture folders of all the other models to get them working so that you can see out the back and sides :) .

(you can find the texture files in the download section of this forum DO-27 rear window fix )

Shot showing the new clear windows in the back of the Do-27.


Also have been playing around with some repaints that were originally made for the FS9 version, and got them working a treat! just had to follow the instructions provided, and alter a few small lines in the aircraft text, very easy once you know how, Oh! I also had to copy and paste the working window textures as well :dance3: .

Dornier Do-27 B1, registration HB-FAA. Repaint by Chris Brisland.


Dornier DO-27 B1, registration D-EGAO. Repaint by Cristiano Canuti.


Dornier DO-27 B1, registration D-EMNQ. Repaint by Cristiano Canuti. (I think this one is a killer to look at :) )


Dornier DO-27 A1, registration D-EIBE (Fürstenberg Fallschirm-Team) Repaint By Cristiano Canuti


Dornier DO-27 A1, registration D-EMAM. repaint by Eberhard Haberkorn

This plane was used as a demonstration model.

On February/21/1959, it took off from Munich, and flew the whole coastline of Africa, it finally arrived in Tunis on June/5/1959.

Heinrich Schafer travelled 47000km and overall flying time was 250 hours.


I am hoping that this thread will be helpful to any Do-27 owners at Muttleys Hanger as it's a great little plane, and a whole lot of fun to fly :icon_thumbup: .


BTW: All the repaints above are available for download at the AVSIM Library

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Good work Graham, I forgot about your Photoshop talents are you going to dabble in the painting department.

Thanks Sabre.

ATM I don't really think I want to get into the skin/repainting lark again, I need to spend all my time on leaning how to fly the planes and navigation really, I still get lost, and have a lot of prang-ups when landing.

Must say though, I am so pleased I managed to sort out the Do-27 window bug, I can look out the sides now and this is going to help a lot with the VFR IMO :) .


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Great tip Graham, :thanks:

I have this aircraft in my hangar somewhere!

Good on you Joe ;).

I have the window texture files saved on my desk top, so if you ever need them, let me know and I'll send them to you, it's just a simple copy/paste operation then :).


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