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You have probably noticed the download link in the options menu above but were greeted with an unobtainable message? :cray:

Well good news! The download section is now live! :yess:

This new feature allows you to upload and download files from members of Mutley's Hangar, if you are a guest you can view the files but not download, another good reason to join our friendly community.

As with all libraries there have to be rules, please see below, we are not trying to be another AVSIM or flightsim.com they have plenty of space and bandwidth and funding, we don't so we are offering you the opportunity to share your favourite files with our members.

Here are the rules, I have tried to keep them simple, just common-sense really and respect for your hosts :thum:

Guide to using the Mutley’s Hangar Download Centre.


Browse the section from the Download Centre link in the main menu options.

You are presented with Main Categories and Sub Categories. There are no files to download under the main Categories but they list the Sub Categories in more detail, especially useful in John’s Airport Plates Category, otherwise it is just a placeholder for the Sub Categories.

At the time of writing, the Categories / Sub Categories are as follows:

• Mutley’s Hangar Downloads

Flightsim |Miscellaneous|Pilot Resource Centre

• Airport Diagrams

These are John Allard’s Airport plates by region

• Member Uploads

Aircraft | Scenery | Utilities |Missions & Flight Plans |Miscellaneous

You should be able to download any of these files by selecting the individual files, agreeing to the disclaimer then download, before downloading you will be able to see a screenshot of the file (if available) and the download size.

• Downloading is limited to registered members only.

Please remember that all files in the Download Centre are available "as is". You agree not to distribute this file to any other site(s) or person(s) without the express permission of the Author or Forum Admin, namely mutley or allardjd.

You download files entirely at your own risk and discretion; Mutley's Hangar accepts no liability for any unusable files or files suspected to contain malware, viruses or trojans. We always recommend you scan the file before use.

Should you suspect a file not to be as advertised or containing unwanted code, please report to admin@mutleyshangar.com. If you have any questions about the file’s utilisation then please contact the Author of the file.


Any registered member has access to upload files, however, there are rules and considerations to take note of.

File types: All files must be contained within a compressed file (.zip or .rar) all other file types except gif, jpg and png will not be accepted by the server. Primarily this is to save space and bandwidth but also to allow you to include more than one file at a time as in the case of a re-paint.

File sizes: If your file exceeds the individual file size limit it will be rejected by the server. I have allowed a reasonable amount of space for members but storage and bandwidth is not infinite!

File Acceptance: All files are verified before we release them to our members, this may take up to 48 hours depending on circumstances and staff availability. Our checking of files is not a guarantee of quality or usefulness or a bug/virus free file

Copyrights: Do not upload any freeware or shareware files in violation of the author's copyright. Mutley’s Hangar has a very strict zero tolerance policy pertaining to copyright violations. If your file is suspected of copyright infringement, then it will not be accepted. If a member is found to be knowingly trying to distribute pirated material then we will immediately remove the file and you could be banned from Mutley’s Hangar completely.

General: Only upload flightsim related files, do not upload commercial files, "warez", video or movie files.

That's it, I hope you can make use of this handy feature.



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If you could send me a shot I can make a jigsaw out of it :001_th_smiles89:

I'm pretty sure you published one jigsaw with the MD-80 in it a while back Joe...

I'll dig through my old laptop, I think I have a copy of it there if you lost your...

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Wow you guys have a good memory, I just can't remember doing it :fool:

I guess the main reason I remember is that I was so frustrated over the fact that I couldn't solve it :001_th_smiles89:

I found the topic in the screenshot forum, but the download link is broken...

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...Oh THAT MD80 (*Pretends to have known all along*) Thanks Micke I must have deleted that file when housekeeping recently. I must have it around somewhere it was called md80.exe

@Kieran, is this the file you have? If so you could save me a lot of time and send it over please? (Or even upload it!)



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Thanks, that's a great help, it won't appear straight away as I have to approve the file, please make sure you wrap it up in a zip file as .exe's won't be accepted by the server. :thanks:

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