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Problems encountered installing Radar Contact on Win64

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I wanted to re-install Radar Contact on my new disk.

The install went fine, I sent my activation mail and John Dekker promptly replied with my code.

When I tried to load a flight plan an error message appeared.

Something like

Run Time Error 713

Class not registered.

you need the following file to be installed on your machine


So here is how to fix it if you have Windows 7 64bit installed.

1. Download the msstdfmt.dll file from http://www.dll-files.com/pop.php?dll=msstdfmt

2. Copy the file into your C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder

3. Go Start/Run type cmd

4. In the DOS window you will be in your directory so type "cd\." you should now have a C:> prompt

5. Now type cd Windows\SysWOW64 prompt should now be C:\Windows\SysWOW64>

6. Type "regsvr32 msstdfmt.dll" without quotes

7. System should reply "DllRegisterServer in msstdfmt.dll succeeeded"

8. It should now work and pat yourself on the back!

Note: You may need to reboot after doing this and entering it again.

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  • 3 years later...

I have the solution after a lot of work.


Using Windows 10


1) Find the msstdfmt.dll in windows (easy with the explorer) and copy it in sysWOW64.


2) CMD to get the DOS Windows. Type CD\. Then write regedt32 msstdfmt.dll


3) In the search line, find "Command Prompt" or "invite de commande" (for French PC) and click right mouse on the name found to run as an administrator (important step even if you are an administrator of the PC)

4) Then [ENTER] in the DOS window and the DLL will be recorded.

5) Follow the RC4 manual loading the FSX flight plan and no problem anymore

Good flight with the new ATC



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