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Dressing up like a Queen

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I must first apologize to those people seeking pictures or suggestions about cross dressing, I'm afraid the title is a little misleading. But if you are looking for pictures of the Queen of the skies, PMDG's 747-400X, then you have come to the right place.

Enjoy this series of shots of McPhat's latest World Airlines release, containing 5 wonderful High Definition repaints for the PMDG 747.

(shots are unedited apart from resized & JPG'd, REX2.0/ENB mods/Just Flight's Traffic X/Aerosoft's Schiphol & FSDT KLAX was used)











Thank you for your time.

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Thanks Joe, glad you enjoyed them.


Hot off the press, my latest video, which came up by complete accident (left the PC running while recording) but smacked it together with some appropriate music and I think the end result is post worthy, besides, it shows of FSDT latest KLAX scenery which is featured in some of the above shots.

Enjoy the video here http://youtu.be/IEqR9nBDSjw, best watched in full 1080p.

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Much appreciated folks, always happy to share my work.

Wow! You have a great eye for a movie Soya, that's the best sort film I have seen in ages, almost brought a tear to my eye! (That could be the scotch though! :winka:



Thanks for that wonderful comment Joe, having someone 'almost' shed a tear over a creation of mine is the highest praise I could get, even it was possibly just the scotch ;).

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