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AI Pilot 'Nails It'!!

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I was in the vicinity of the current GTA field, taking a few more shots for the clue-less - oops, sorry - participants, when, out of the corner of my eye, I say a Beaver approaching. No, not the 'dam' kind, but a Canadian built de Havilland type (Nuff said! - Ed). 'Funny', I thought, 'maybe he's just looking over the field...'. :th_smiles73:

But, no, he did a nice base turn:


Then he came over the threshold:


And, with a shower of sparks, he was down!


What an ... ace! You don't see that kind of skill often - but you know what M.S. AI pilots are like! :clapping:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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Running Traffic X by any chance Dai?? Saw this every now and then before I switched over to Ultimate Traffic..

and suprisingly enough they actually got stuck on the runway blocking it until FSX decided to remove them...real fun when you've just finished a 2 hour flight into nowhere, are flying on fumes and get told to go around because "stupid" tried to land a sea plane on dry ground...

the only possible cause of action.. ignore ATC, level of until the beaver was behind me, and land on what was left of the runway... :stars:

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  • 1 month later...

Hah Hah, very funny. One time running without any add-ons the airplanes were following the ground vehicles paths and the ground vehicles were on the taxiways! I had to restart my CPU before it started working again!

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