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Say hello to the Baby Boeing

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About a week ago PMDG expanded the 737NGX fleet with a 6/700-series expansion.

I was planning to share my first full flight in the -600 with you guys, but when I peeked into the screenshots folder after the flight there were no pictures there... turns out I forgot to start FRAPS so no screenshots were captured.

With the clock approaching midnight I won't redo the flight, but I figured I could atleast do one shot for you.

Here's the baby boeing an early morning at Oslo Gardemoen (ENGM) preparing for a short flight to Stockholm Arlanda (ESSA).


If I get some time during the weekend there might be more to come...

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Hello Stu.

Nice shot, I saw that you have an Nvidia video card, so thought this link may be of interest to you with regards to making screen shot's http://www.evga.com/precision/ really this is for EVGA owners but I have heard that it works for all Nvidia chipped cards as well, I use this nearly all the time for taking screenshots and find it much better than fraps, also much better than the default FXS "V" key as it does not make ruddy great 5mb photos all the time ;) you can also set it up to monitor the card temp, FPS, fan speed and some other stuff as well, only down side is that you have to set up an account at EVGA to get it :( .


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys.. strange, I was sure I had replied to this thread already but I guess I forgot to press the post button or something :D

I had another go at doing the same route tonight, but this time I suffered from a FSX crash shortly after take-off (after waiting 30 minutes for the incomming traffic to leave a big enough gap for me to take-off in) :faint:

But prehaps it was a good solution for my passengers considering I downed a Wychwood Brewery Greengoblin Cider while I waited

Anyway I got a few shots I thouhgt I'd share with you.

Taxi to runway 19R


Lined up to wait behind the competition


Gear in transit


Hope you liked em'

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Just to give you an idea on the complexity of that model the manuals that comes with it is just short of 4.500 pages if I remeber correctly.. I went in to work on a saturday to print it out and it filled 5 binders ;)

And on another note, if you're having out of memory issues with the J41 I'd pass on this model since it needs even more memory.

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Cool as I'm not into my jets anyway ill give it a miss! I heard that moving to win 64 bit might solve OOM issues - I feel a dual boot coming on :)

Anyway, I dnt want to hijack your thread - back to the baby! It is just the size I wud want but far too complex for my liking :) Nice screens btw!

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