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Hello Dear Gents...First of all I would like to apologize to my friend Mut and to all of you for meshing up this nice forum with a ''Hello'' post,but since this forum was the reason which makes me join, I guess that this post will last a few hours before dive into the darkness... :-)

Now you also have to stand my amateur and probably dumb questions...From where I can start flying...I see some legs numbers like 63,64,65 etc...where is the #1,2,3 etc?

Do I have to send an e-mail with my proposals or I just can pick a starting waypoint and start flying???...And what crafts?Anything I like or some specific ones...

For one more time I really and deeply apologize for my dumb questions and my amateur English.

Thank you all :eyebrow:

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No problem GM,

I have been away from the forum for a couple of hours sorting out the emails for the flights.

You could always bid for the Port Stanley to Cape Town, there would be plenty of photo opportunities :eyebrow:


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