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Christmas Day Hauling (NRM)

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While most of you were tucking into your Christmas pudding yesterday!, poor old PanzerFodder was out in the cold hauling memory chips across the Canadian border, and what a lovely winters day for flying it was too :) .

No paricular order to these shot's, I just picked the one's that I thought looked best ;) .

Scenery is Orbx NRM, and I'm flying a Carenado RG 182 that I picked up in their sale the other day :)










Looks like poor old nobby at CEN4 had to work on Christmas Day as well, must try to get him a Mutleys Hanger jacket for the cooler days in Alberta, coz he looks a bit chilly in that silly little polo shirt that they have given him ;)



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Lovely shots Graham - some very nice varied pics of the scenery. A great place to do some Air Hauling. :thum:

Nobby should be fine I thought all you Canadians were rough and tough - he should have had his speedos on :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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