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Wing struts above the wing have to be big - they're in compression rather than tension and have to be beefy enough to not buckle. Wings struts below the wing are in tension and the load-bearing elemen

But can it lay an egg?   I've seen photos of that one before but don't know what it is or where it's based.  Such poor taste in flying objects is more commonly seen in the hot air balloon ge

What a cock up.

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I have been holding my fingers since you first put this up in an attempt to share it around by hoping one of the others would get it, but I can't let this go on any longer - the suspense is killing me.  :rolleyes:


It's the Sukhoi Su-15 (I), all weather interceptor from 1949 - not to be confused with the more successful Su-15 'Flagon' interceptor from 1962.  The earlier and uglier Su-15 suffered many problems primarily severe vibration and flutter and resulted in the loss of the first prototype after which the program was cancelled with the second prototype uncompleted.




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That's exactly what it is Andrew. the SU15. The Russkies sure did produce some strange beasts back then. A lot of them were based on German WW2 research of course.

Over to you old chap!  :D

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I was still looking at the UK, but couldn't tie anyone to automobiles except R-R, who didn't build whole aircraft, only engines.


Nice work, Brett - score one for the second shift.



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