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Sabre Air Deliveries "SAD"

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Well not really sad but S.A.D. that is Sabre Air Deliveries has opened it's doors at Fall City in the Pacific Northwest. We're a small one man band at the minute operating from the small airfiled of Fall City to keep costs down. The fleet consists of a Carenado Cessna Skylane 182 RG II although this has added somewhat to the overdraft from the bank. Anyway no job too small so give us a call :D :D

We even have a snazzy logo courtesy of Graham (PanzerFodder) :thum:


The fleet - well the only aircraft really


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Well not really sad but S.A.D. that is Sabre Air Deliveries has opened it's doors at Fall City in the Pacific Northwest. We're a small one man band at the minute operating from the small airfiled of F

Wow, it's frosty there, I like the acronym and logo :thum: , mine is GBH (Great British Haulage)


We fly when we can be bothered, that's probably why we are not near the top of the league!!

Cheers ..Joe

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Great choice of AC - that's my personal favorite AC for starting AH Career mode jobs. As you've figured out, you can swing it at startup if you don't go hog-wild when choosing a first base. Happy hauling...


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Rough times at SAD - there's been a bitter row brewing between Sabre Air Deliveries and the owners of the private airstrip at Fall City over the state of the runway and the facilities available to a progressive air hauling business. This row coincided with the owners request to increase the utilities costs at the airstrip.

The CEO of SAD today released a press statement today condemning the Fall City owners. He expressed his "Extreme dismay at the complete intransience during the negotiations and insisted that he was left with no alternative but to relocate his business elsewhere". The CEO went on to say that "It was clear that the future of SAD lay elsewhere and that he had acted quickly to relocate to an alternative airfield". SAD would now operate further north in the Pacific North West at 1S2 Darrington." He concluded that it was business as usual and quoted a slight variation on the controversial company motto "Stoned or Drunk we'll continue to Haul your Junk"

:D :D

The CEO of Sabre Air Deliveries discusses the relocation with representatives from Darrington.


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Rough times at SAD - there's been a bitter row brewing between Sabre Air Deliveries and the owners of the private airstrip at Fall City over the state of the runway and the facilities available to a progressive air hauling business. This row coincided with the owners request to increase the utilities costs at the airstrip.

The CEO of SAD today released a press statement today condemning the Fall City owners. He expressed his "Extreme dismay at the complete intransience during the negotiations and insisted that he was left with no alternative but to relocate his business elsewhere. The CEO went on to say that "It was clear that the future of SAD lay elsewhere and that he had acted quickly to relocate to an alternative airfield". SAD would now operate further north in the Pacific North West at 1S2 Darrington." He concluded that it was business as usual and quoted a slight variation on the controversial company motto "Stoned or Drunk we'll continue to Haul your Junk"

:D :D

The CEO of Sabre Air Deliveries discusses the relocation with representatives from Darrington.

So in other words! Darrington has runway lights ;)


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Nice post sabre - I love darrington! I think that's where I'm goin to b based but I'm goin to see if I can use the 172 instead. Hope darrington treats u well!

I hear mears field is a short hop always looking for wine! Gud luck with that one ;)

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So in other words! Darrington has runway lights ;)


Killjoy :P

BTW I don't think Darrington has lights, I just liked the location - cough - I mean the owner at Fall City was just downright unpleasant and wouldn't move an inch during the negotiations ;)

Go on let your imagination flow, go with the story - remember anythings possible in the virtual world :whis:

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That's "S.A.D" to hear mate :rofl:

BTW: I saw that it was minus 41 in Alberta today, I wonder if the FSX real world weather will even come close to that temp, when I go on AH later tonight ;) .

(Edit) if it does! I wonder if the 182 will start up when it's that cold??? :unsure:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Out of the blizzard into the black

Whoop, whoop :yahoo:

Sabre Air Deliveries operating out of Darrington Municipal has moved into the black for the first time. Payment for a shipment of Soft Drinks saw the company move into the black for the first time, it was a tricky journey through a blizzard from 4S2 Hood River back to 1S2. Unfortunately there was some minor damage to the cargo caused by the stormy weather.


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My next flight will take me into the black for the second time :P

Anyway congrats to both of you, and may all of you carb icing problems be minor one's, :thum:

BTW: The weather is much nicer on the other side of the Rockys! you should come on over and visit me some time? ;) .


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  • 2 weeks later...

What is the latest on S.A.D mate? It's been a while :)

It really is SAD I'm afraid Jim. FSX has completely packed up on me, by the time I get back to it I'll have another two failed jobs and more lost reputation. I'll put up an update on where I am as I did managed a few flights last weekend.

Just so frustrating no FSX means no AH and no AH means no virtual money to be had :( :(

Plus at the minute I seem to be exhausting most avenues in trying to get FSX working again so I may end up with a complete re-install which will be a bloody nightmare.

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That's a shame man! I have had to do that a few times too damn FSX! Now what I've done is backed up a clean working copy using paragon backup and recovery then I install addons one at time taking backups!

This way if FSX messes up I revert back to gud copy!

The tool is free and works with win7 just fine! If you got XP I used to used Acronis True Image which does the same!

Hope u get it going soon mate!

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Oh and just some advice if your saving - I would recommend getting a hired pilot and an extra aircraft - it helps a lot. But I wouldnt recommend getting a second base waste of money if you ask me :) I am hitting around 100k per night.

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Well it's been a troubled week or so over at Sabre Air Deliveries. The company PC which controls all of the work schedules and deliveries suffered a fatal error and Technicians had to be called from the nearby Mutley's Hangar. The Technicians were a kindly bunch of chaps and they managed to remedy the problem in good time but unfortunately not quick enough to save a couple of jobs and a subsequent loss of reputation.

A quick look at the job schedules revealed a number of small jobs in the local area hauling various items including amongst other things DVD.s and Animal Feed. The jobs meant the 182 was going to be busy shuttling between W16 Firstair, KAWO Arlington Municipal, 3W5 Concrete Municipal and home base at Darrington 1S2.

An early start was needed to get the jobs and more importantly the cash flowing again so it was off to the hangar to get GN-SAD started and ready for flight.


The Pacific North West managed to conjure up the best and worst of the weather. Initially the sun shone down


But then the storms came ......



Despite the weather Sabre Air Deliveries regained its reputation and has reached a semi-respectable 54% and the bank balance is looking healthy at around £182K.

If the work keeps up SAD may have to look at expansion and even some hired hands :cool:

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Glad ur back on track buddy! I flew the twin otter tonight and the weather was still rough! I hired an extra set of hands just for tonight - it was my night off for a change!

Gud luck with the hired help - you getting a second plane or performing alternating shift work?

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Nice bit of weather you had there m8y. looks like spring is on it way in the PNW :) .

PS: How did you make so much money in such a short time? and why is it in UK Pounds, mine is always in US Dollars? :unsure:


The short answer is I don't know :D

Air Hauler has always been in £'s for me, I don't recall it being an option to select so I'm really not sure mate.

Regarding jobs Air Hauler generated a number of very local jobs so I was able to shuttle cargo very quickly without flying very far eg last night I got £18k for a flight up to Concrete and back at total of 34 miles :cool:

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Gud luck with the hired help - you getting a second plane or performing alternating shift work?

I must admit I'm really unsure about which direction to go with SAD. On the one hand I'm quite keen to keep it small and personal but on the other I really want the cash to get the Cargomaster fired up, I'm quite tempted to lease it as I have enough for the deposit but the £70k monthly outlay is putting me off.

Also I'm considering the route you went with the second 182 and have the AI generate a bit of cash.

Oh decisions, decisions :stars:

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