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Airplane gets refueld automaticly

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I've been flying AH a couple of weeks now and I have a question about refueling. It seems like my airplane gets refueled automaticly at some airfields, for free, full tanks! Well, that could be considered as a luxury problem but I don't think that's how things work in real life. I'm sure I have missed something but I've looked in the manual and can't find any solution. Here's an example:

I flew two jobs starting from my home base with some cargo to airfield B. Unloaded the cargo and headed for airfield C to pick up some more. There I had to dump some fuel in order to get all the cargo onboard. Then, alt-tab to FSX and pressed OK at the fuel & payload screen, I had full tanks again and was a couple of pounds over weight. This happens all the time!

I thought AH should be handling fuel and payloads automaticly?

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I suspect you're using one of the aircraft types whose tank configuration is problematic for AH. In most AC, AH prevents that. For some few, the AC configuration isn't accounted for correctly by AH and things get a little wonky. It's best to just avoid the MS fuel pump at airports with that specific aircraft. The worst case is if you put a heavy load of cargo aboard and partial fuel and then taxi past the pump - you'll be overweight and may not even realize it.


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Hey chaps. ZenIT - when it happens again, can you send me the AH.flt, AH.pln and AH.htm from your FlightSimDirectory/Flights folder? Along with a note about how much fuel *should* be on board, so I can check if a) the amount is properly refected in the FLT file, and b) what FSX is loading onto the aircraft.

Send them through to info@airhauler.net please with a note of your forum handle here, and email address.

Also - if this is a UK/EN version of AirHauler (i.e. Not DE/German) do you have your regional settings set to UK/US number format? And if not, if you do that, does that solve the problem?

I've had issues before with the European format of eg: 1.000,32 as opposed to the UK/US eg: 1,000.32 format.



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