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Hi... and a question to start

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First of all, Hi, I guess I'm coming to AH late, Usually I fly military sims, but I used to have fun with a VA in FS9 so I thought I'd try FSX. Loving it so far, although I seem to spend a lot of time deleting companies and restarting because I'm not happy with some aspect or other of my choices at startup :D

Ok, so to my question, and I'll start by saying it's probably not linked to AH at all, but I didn't notice it before when I was just flying around in FSX. I seem to have some creep in my HSI, doesn't seem to matter what aircraft, or where in the world I fly, but AH flights can be out as much as +- 100 degrees! It's not usually that bad, it's averaging about +- 5 to 10 degrees, but on odd occasions it can be pretty bad, causing me to have to do some on the fly mental aritmetic to fly the right headings. Anyone have any ideas what might cause this?

Thanks in advance for any help you guys can offer. :cool:

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A physical phenomenon called precession causes gyroscopes to drift. The DG in aircraft are susceptible to that, though I think some HSIs manage to auto-correct. A typical panel DG and some HSIs do not and must be manually reset from time to time using the magnetic compass as a reference. I was taught to do so about every 20 minutes, always "...in straight and level, unaccelerated flight."


In FS the Reality Settings allow you to set that on or off and a slider adjusts the "severity" or reality level of the effect.


Top-line Menu -> Aircraft -> Realism Settings


There's an "Enable Gyro Drift" checkbox and a "Gyro" slider.



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The screename comes from the best insult I ever received :D bit of a story though. I was winding up a friend I surf with about her not wanting to risk the reef at one of our favourite beach breaks, she's a standup, and rides a longboard, I ride prone on a bodyboard (not like kids in the white water, if you want to see what real bodyboarding is try a youtube search for Mike Stewart or Ben Player)

Now reefs like the one at Connies are nasty, it's very shallow, and not really safe for stand up riders, even bodyboarders get injured there regularly, anyway, I think I called her a gibber or something equally as nice, to which she replied "**** off frog on toast". I loved it and have used it for years since :D It refers to the fact that with our swimfins on, we look a little like frogs laying on pieces of toast.

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For a minute there I thought you might be from the wrong side of the Channel.


He's not a Frog John! he's a Wurzel, and I bet he likes a drop or two of Scrumpy every now and again :rockon: ( I know Somerset pretty well myself TBH ;) )

BTW: Welcome Frog :welcomeani: (Sabre and I have just started Airhauler as well, so maybe we can all help each other out with tips and stuff when we get stuck, watch out for our future posts :) )


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There are at least four MH forum members who were AH testers as well - not to mention Slopey himself - the one-man-band who conceived and developed AH. There should be plenty of help and unwanted advice nearby.



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Right. So I have another question now, It's probably something stupidly simple, but I haven't managed to find any info on these forums, or anywhere else on the net.

I have AH set to download real weather, but when I get into FSX I'm faced with the default fine weather every time. I figured it was an FS thing, so I went to the settings menu and told it to dl real weather updating every 15 minutes, however, every time I close the sim it defaults back to the boring fine weather setup, and loads that even if I try to get AH to force it to load RW weather.

Any way I can force FSX to download weather as default?

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I'm not sure. I'm in FS9 and use the Active Sky payware app for RW WX. It works fine in AH. I start it before FS starts. There are other add-on WX engines out there that people seem to like a lot and I'm pretty sure they work OK in AH too. I hear REX mentioned a lot, for one. I'm sure others who use them will jump in here.



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I get the exact thing every time I load AH as well, and I do the same thing as you by going into weather menu and selecting RW weather option, just to get a few clouds in the sky, not sure why this happens with FSX! maybe a communication error between FSX and AH ? .

Have not tried running the REX weather engine with AH yet as I have a few problems with this program locking up the screen or CTD on my system :( .


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ActiveSky 2012 definitely for WX generation, and it has a great HD texture set too.

REX2 Overdrive has some great textures too but WX generation is just unrealistic in my eyes, as is it's flight planning, also it takes age to load new textures.

Again RC4 for me, it's one of those benchmark programs that others try to measure up to but never quite manage it!

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I have had REX2 since I first came to FSX, have to agree with Joe (Mutley) it takes so long to load the textures I can go outside for a smoke, come back in make a coffee, plus drink it, and the bloody thing is still loading :( , the whole program seem's a bit clunky on my system, almost like it's in a delayed action mode :( .

On a brighter note there is talk at the REX site about a new update that's coming out soon and it should fix a few issues :) , but if I was spending my money again!, ActiveSky 2012 would be the one that I would go for this time around ;) .


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ActiveSky 2012 definitely for WX generation, and it has a great HD texture set too.

REX2 Overdrive has some great textures too but WX generation is just unrealistic in my eyes, as is it's flight planning, also it takes age to load new textures.

Again RC4 for me, it's one of those benchmark programs that others try to measure up to but never quite manage it!

Aww I hate these topics :gaah: They always seem to cost me money :D

Do you use REX at all Joe?

Now you lot have made me watch the Activesky 2012 video I really tempted.

RC4 I've looked at time and time again, just always found something else to spend my money on. <_<

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I Have REX2 with the Overdrive update and they are great, just a bit clunky. I think AS2012 is a good all-in one, it has always been unsurpassed when it comes to weather generation and now it has reasonable HD textures too.

Let look at the market leaders:

Flight Environment X (FEX) This is a texture generation program, it has Sky, sun, cloud, water colour and animation with HD options, no weather generation so replaces FSX textures with it's own. It can work work with other WX generation programs as all it does is give you HD graphics.

REX2 Renowned for its HD graphics, has a weather generation, not as good AS the industry leader AS2012. It has a flight planner, but I prefer FSX, it's easier to use.

AS2012 - The leading weather generator based on real-time and archive METARS, you can also search for certain complex weather situations. It had a rubbish (IMO) graphics texture generator, nowhere near FEX and REX2 quality but that has changed in the latest iteration 2012.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I went with RC4, and I'm well impressed! At first the slightly robotic voices got to me, but that faded really quickly, It's increased the immersion factor hugely. Was a little shocked to be flying around Thailand and suddenly hear a broad Yorkshire accent from the controller though! :D Far better than the FS basic ATC for sure.

Decided to leave off AS for a while though, I think my rig will have problems handling it, I build this system over 5 years ago, it still runs things like Crysis cranked way up, but I still get a few graphical glitches in FSX.

I did treat myself to the Captainsim C130 base pack though, so that's the current goal for my new company. (I got bored flying around Nepal)

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