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Mike, if you had the cargo on your plane when it crashed yesterday! the cargo also gets DAMAGED, paying to fix the aircraft does not repair the cargo as well! so it looks like you only delivered 20% of the cargo in good condition so you failed the job, and I don't think you recieved any payment as well, and rightly so :P .


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In further news:

The investigation into the alleged insurance scam at High River is widening. The local RCMP now claim that they have not been bribed paid now since the Chief Clown started crashing his airplanes and are threatening to withdraw "co-operation" with PFC. Local residents are pleading with representatives from Ottowa to free them from what they descibe as "slavery from the circus". An uprising of the locals has been brutally put down and the CC has retreated to a secret bunker reputed to be under the famous "locked hangar", guarded by his remaining loyal "mounties" Locals are pleading for support from the capital and Nato, and in the meantime the matter is now being referred to the UN (Useless Nobodies) More soon

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Who's rattled your cage then, Polly? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

ps: How's the new video card working out???

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Haha great update Mike nice to see you're picking up the scraps of business that SAD has left you :D

Don't you go worrying on SAD we're alive 'n' kickin' on both sides of the Atlantic.

The family ;) are doing just fine over at Darrington as you'll see from the latest SAD announcement.

The CEO's enjoying the warmer weather in England but will be back soon to rank up the pressure.

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Wonderful update as always Mike. Loved the good, the bad and the ugly.

The dodgy aircraft thing isn't the carb heat is it? The 182 RG suffers badly from this during the cold seemingly rather randomly. Just drops from the sky with engine reducing to a low idle - pull out carb heat and a few seconds later it bursts back into life. Just a thought.

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Have you got it sorted Mike? You seem to be having lots of bother. It's interesting that when you turn off real weather it works, I had a couple of crashes a while a go when REX updated the weather and it started raining heavily.

Hope you got it working and your back to the flying.

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Rumours that the boss might be test flying possible acquisitions were met with "no comment!" by Mr B.,

Ah! that must be the BN-2B Islander that Randy was taking pot shots at this afternoon :P Can she have her buckshot back please? :rofl:

Big Brother is watching you! ;)

Pilot: Mike Birdman

AC: Britten-Norman, BN-2B Islander

Lat/Lon: 53.4114 -113.46

Alt/Speed: 5410ft 92kts

Cargo: Mail

Route: CYZH - CYZU

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Holly good luck with your new (worst nightmare) boss

Whilst it's pleasing to here you find the MADman a kindly sole - a word of warning - he has a dubious reputation when it comes to his joystick - lets just say he's not too fussy where he waggles it :stars::stars:

Nice update again Mike.

Good when you can get a decent run of flights completed.

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I guess Mr.B is in a really good mood, nothing like a relaxing weekend. Sounds like a fun party to crash, I have a load going to the area, maybe I'll just sneak in once everyone is tipsy...........

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Great updates again Mike - really enjoyed reading them.

Hope the party went well - no mention of Mrs B in attendance I note - still in Toronto?? :huh: - I'm sure there's nothing in the rumours about Holly ;)

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It's funny, I read the whole thing but all I saw was that darned good looking home boy David is flying with darling sweet Emily. :gaah:

Keep it small, work hard(not so much playing around) and fly 'em yourself, is my annoying motto. :D If you need borrow some money just let me know. :P

As far as your new float base, and I'm sure you don't need advice from a beginer in this buisness, but you could always sell 1 hour rides to the tourists for some extra cash and keep the girls busy when you move on to the next hire. :whis:

All in all, I hope you know that myself and SoHigh Air Services, "where low cost and reliable cargo shipping services are our highest priority" ;) wishes you well in your future endevors. May Madness prevail. :cool:

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Fantastic update Mike, you have a rare talent for this stuff. Great job :hat: :hat: :hat:

Interesting propaganda suggestion about the move towards male pilots, variety is th espice of life or so they reckon - of course it's each to his own ;)

Mr Birdman then left the office saying he had work to do. He seemed to be singing a little song, something about:-

"There were four in the bed and the little one said, "Roll over, roll over", so they all rolled over and one . . . ." all the while smiling to himself. More than a little Strange


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