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Martinair 744f

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Hi guys.

Just a few shots from a recent trip. The flight was for Martinair Cargo (love their colors). Based at Schiphol Amsterdam they fly to many locations worldwide, but this was to be a short hop over to Frankfurt which Martinair Cargo do fly too.

The aircraft is the 744f from Posky with what i think is a very nice paintjob. The edits i'm still not 100% happy with with just a couple of shots i'm pleased with but you can decide for yourself.

The flight.......

The taxi to 24 at EHAM Schiphol.


Cleared IFR to EDDF.


Low fuel but heavy on cargo, we lift off the tarmac.


Getting on course.


Cruise was at FL180 for the short flight.


Approach vectors for Frankfurt 25R.


Number 2 to land.


Turning on final.


I flared a little early and went deep but plenty of stopping room.


Brining her to a halt.


Comments good and bad welcome. Thanks for looking....


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Hi Steve,

I love that livery too, she sure is a big bird!

Your shots Steve make great viewing, I always look for the subtle details which I know you include, that makes it all the more enjoyable :mrhappy:

Thanks for sharing with us again, I can't think of a bad thing to say, sorry! (One day, one day :wink: )


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Nice work. I particularly like the one turning onto the runway, just before the liftoff shot. Not a phase of the flight where I normally take notice of a photo, but that one had something different about it.


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I have one question about the grass. I know on my previous screenshots post (Atlas Cargo over the Atlantic) you told me about not making the edges so straight against the pavement textures for realism. I realise what you mean by that, as these shots demonstrate it very well. However, can you possibly give me an example of how this can be done on photoshop, as I cannot think of any solutions...



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Hey Tap.

For me it depends how close the edge is to the viewer. If its really close i might chose a grass shape for the eraser, set it to something like 30% Opacity 50% flow and arase the edge till i'm happy. Different sized tools will make a difference of course.

For further away like in the above shots i used grass taken from real airline shots that include a bit of runway. I then use a soft edge tool on the eraser and run it along the edge but not hitting the grass so as to leave a small amount of runway. I then set the grass opacity till it looks right as 100% rarely looks right and this extra opacity will help your edge blend with the FS runway underneath.

A couple of pointers. I never a erase at full strength, its better to blend it in gradually. Try to choose a grass thats keeping in context with the weather, sunny grass on a dull day looks a bit odd. Also you can use more of the tarmac of the runway from the photo if it matches in which will help make it even more real, the key with this and most of the above is how you set your opacity of the grass layer before merging.

I hope some of this helps Tap.


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