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FSX to Flight

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Hi guys, I was wondering if any of you would suggest transitioning from FSX to Flight. Before I get Flight, I was wondering if you can import your FSX aircraft to flight. I was also wondering if you know what planes are in Flight... Thanks!

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Hi Wyatt,

I wouldn't imagine any FSX users will transit to FLIGHT as it is a game as opposed to a flight sim as we know it.

The base package is free so you can see what it is like before you commit, a lot of people have had fun with it but only as a toy.



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1) Flight is not a step uf from FSX, so for a transition I would not recomend it. Flight is just for fun and isn't meant to be a simulator like FSX.

2) No, you can't import anything into Flight from other flight sims.

3) The avialable aircraft are the Icon A5, Sterman Kaydet, Maule, Vans RV-6 and a Mustang without a cockpit (you can only fly it from an outside view).

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