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well sweeping changes are taking place at iberia to keep it afloat so have decided to take the poison chalice and accept early retirement. If I dont take it i will have a 25% reduction in salary and a 45% reduction in retirement fund, if i go now I get to keep it all so its a no brainer. Anyone know of a job going for a 24k hour pilot? :))

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Sorry to hear. Everyone I know that was offered early retirement took it and have been very happy with their choice.(more money) It's a bit scary making changes but in the long run you will enjoy having a change of pace. Although things are tough in the employment arena, jobs can be found for those that look hard enough. Good luck. :)

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Move to the country - start growing vegetables - strive for a more sustainable lifestyle, you won't regret it.

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

Thanks for the advice, however i already did this before joining I beria, i live half way up a mountain in the pyrenees on over an acre of land, but i get where you are coming from we have a lovely veg garden and 300 sunny days a year , so why work?

cus i like it

I will probabbly keep my hand in by dropping parachutists at empuria brava the worlds biggest parachute school

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Sounds like you landed on your feet with that move! 300 days of sunshine - hey, I bet you need some irrigation!

Nice to combine the rural lifestyle with a bit of adrenalin rush - Good Luck!:thum:

Chers - Dai. :cool:

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Thanks for all the good wishes, it doesnt worry me at all , the life of a pilot is never a guaranteed job, it is only a job till you have to get another, the aviation world is full of troughs and highs and has been so since pontius was a pilot.

Yes Dai 300 days of sun is the norm here and about 30 rainy days a year on average. so swmbo wants geese and chickens she can take care of them while i take care of the vegetable garden. we also have masses of fruit trees, 5 cherries about 10 different types of Apple , pears, 3 plums , kiwi fruit and a few other things i am not sure about yet so roll on the summer.

Tim thats not a bad idea the we are at 1100 feet and the lumps around me go up to about 4,500 feet, the only trouble is that they are full of wild boar who are nasty beggars.

Joe, thanks I am not in a hurry, have no mortgage, so really only need to earn enough to put food on the table and as we have a gite which we rent out , that covers all the taxes, life could be a lot worse.

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It's probably a two-edged sword and will take some getting used to. If you want to work/fly, with your experience you may well find something, but maybe not the plum airlines job at good salary. Those days seem to be going fast.

Airlines and the lawyers and accountants who seem to run them are well aware that declaring bankruptcy, re-organizing and re-starting frees them from the constraints of older labor and commecial agreements and contracts and permits them to re-write their own internal policies, practices and rules (e.g. salaries, schedules, work rules, pension plans, etc.), on a blank slate, as long as the legalities are observed.

From my perspective, I reired six months after it became an option and have never looked back. It's the best job I ever had, by a fair margin. I hope that proves to be the case for you too.


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