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AA + TC 767's

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Hey guys.

Once again just messing in photoshop with some shots i had sitting on my HD. Can't seem to get my head around full flights at the moment. Nothing spectacular but hope you enjoy these.

American Airlines sat at the gate in Vienna. I should wiki pre flight as i now know AA don't fly there......oops.




Climbing from the tarmac heading for Boston where at least i do know AA fly from :???:


Frankfurt this time in the grips of winter. Thomas Cook 767 of Condor Airlines taxi's to 25R. Are there still TC planes flying or have they been switched too Condor ?


140kts and about to rotate....


With the Condor hangers in the distance we leave EDDF. A solitary 757 sits outside the doors.


Clearer skies as we get on course for somwhere warmer.


Comments always welcome good or bad. Thanks for looking....


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Hi Steve,

These shots are exquisite as usual that's a great paint job it really does look like a aluminium tube.

I totally understand about the full flight. What you need is a short flight or a mission decided for you as your next ATWC isn't for some while :???:

Perhaps we could have some suggestions from our members on a scenic route possible in medium to large GA?


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Thanks guys, appreciate your comments.

I posted these over on JF also and its funny how some prefer the TC shots and other prefer the AA. While the AA was a standard edit for me the TC shots took quite a bit more. I can't understand why scenery developers make the snow so dull and grey. Anyone who has been out in snow in the day knows it can be extremely bright and i tried to portray this in the shots. Glad you liked them.

Joe, i think maybe a GA flight is a good idea. Something a little simpler with no FMC or IFR. Might have to have a look at what freeware is out there. I'm thinking maybe Salzburg Austria to Samedan Switzerland possibly onto Strasbourg or Basel Mulhouse. Would make for a fun flight through the Alps especially if i kept the a/c under 8000 and route through the valleys. Heh looking forward to this already.....thanks :???:


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Lovely shots tehre reef, that snow is just so vivid im getting Snow-Bindness, real nice! :wink:

..........i think maybe a GA flight is a good idea. Something a little simpler with no FMC or IFR. Might have to have a look at what freeware is out there. I'm thinking maybe Salzburg Austria to Samedan Switzerland possibly onto Strasbourg or Basel Mulhouse. Would make for a fun flight through the Alps especially if i kept the a/c under 8000 and route through the valleys. Heh looking forward to this already.....thanks

have you tried this little beauty in FS9 yet?? The Maule M-7-260 has tundra, ski and amphib versions supplied, as well as the usual trike and tail dragger configs you'd expect. Included is a full sound and VC pack, and the quality of the model - bother interior and exterior - is sublime. I used it recently in a few VFR trips over the UK to test out some new settings on my GPU and got carried away with how it handled.......... ooh i'm getting excited myself now :mrhappy:

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