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Ultimate Traffic 2

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Just a quick question really.

Do many people use this product and would they recommend it?

I have Traffic X but never really got away with it as it seems to do some rather strange things and as yet I haven't re-installed it.

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Thanks Mike

Flightstore has the DVD version for £24.99 plus postage atm - Flight1 store seems expensive

Or you could always soldier on with TrafficX, just hang on to your cash and wait to see what the next JF offering is like :) .

I saw it mentioned on the Justflight forum that theres another AI traffic program in the works ;) . (just can't find the thread ATM :( ).

BTW: nice to see your getting into watching the tubes, you'll be wanting to fly one soon ;) (!!! I knew that he would crack in the end""" :dance3: )


PS: will you be selling the plus packs for TrafficX if you go with UT2????

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I agree 100% with Mike on this.. UT2 is a great traffic add-on, and in my opinion it's far better than Traffic X.

The only down side is the lack of military traffic, but I can live with that limitation...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fathers Day has come and gone! so did you get it or not??? ;) .


Oh yes the "Hint System" worked a treat :D

I like it a lot and have to say that my initial thooughs are it's better than Traffic X though in fairness it needs more air time.

Also I think I may need to dial back the GA Traffic particularly as some of the small airfields seem a little too busy but again time will tell as I did have a few weeks flying without any traffic programme installed.

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