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Ah, good to hear!

OK, in that case I continue:


P-51D-10-NA 44-13980 D7-Z "Shy Ann" as flown by Lt. Jerry P Bush of the 503rd FS/ 339th FG. The aircraft was reassigned to Capt. Edward Beavers when Lt. Bush completed his tour. It was lost on 28 September 1944 when Lt. Paul W Frickel became a POW



P-51D-15-NA 44-14068 CG-C "The Worry Bird" was the assigned aircraft of Capt. Merle M Coons of the 38th FD/ 55th FG. After Capt. Coons completed his tour, the aircraft was assigned to Lt. Alfred E. Carr, who named it "Little Joe".

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new model, new paints:

Some of these nose art names you can guess what they refer to but I wonder how The Worry Bird got it's name. Was Capt Coons a worry wart or was the plane one of those that always came up with mechanical problems? Doing some digging though it might have to do with a story about a fictional bird that would sit on a perch and listen to everyone else's problems all day. I did find a RW pic of this AC here. Thanks for the history :D

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to be honest, I have no idea...


P-51D-15-NA 44-14121 CL-Z was the assigned aircraft of Capt Darrel S.Cramer, from Ogden in Utah. He had done a tour with the 339th FS/ 347th FG in the Pacific, where he claimed two victories.He joined the 338th FS/ 55th FG in july 1944 and flew with them till february 1945, after which he served with HQ. He claimed 5.5 Bf109's and 1 FW190 in the air. I can only assume he had some Irish blood?


P-51D-15-NA 44-14140 CY-O "Wings o'Morning" was one of the aircraft flown by Captain Robert E. Welch of the 343rd FS/ 55th FG. During his tour with the 55th FG, he claimed 7 german destroyed in the air and 11 on the ground, hence the 18 victory markings on the nose. The aircraft had previously been assigned to 1/Lt. Ernest E. Leon and Lt. Richard D. Bartlett, who named it.

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Flight Lieutenant Jack Cleland was a pilot of the RNZAF who was posted to the 357th FG as an exchange pilot for a couple of months during 1944.

While with the 357th he flew a camouflaged P-51D, 44-13573, with registration B6-V, and which he named Isabel III.
More on Jack Cleland can be found here







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P-51D-10-NA 44-14804 was first named “El Gato” by Capt. Maurice Morrison and later “Honey Bee II” byLt. Harold Miller. This was the only P-51 to fly as SX-R between October 1944 and the end of the war. It logged 84 missions with 32 different pilots (31 with Morrison and 5 with Miller). Morrison named the aircraft “El Gato” (Spanish for The Cat) after returning eight times either badly shot up or after another worrying experience. When he was assigned a P-51 he felt he was on his ninth life.

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