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Prowling Around

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Great shots and look forward to your review. I had seen this released along with the A6E Intruder but the only thing stopping me buying them is i find Alphasim to be rather pricey. I find myself buying such an aircraft only to fly half dozen times before it ends up gathering dust. So while they are much fun to fly especially as i have Alphasim Enterprise, i can't bring myself to purchase them, lovely as they are.

What the flightsim world needs is an up to date combat sim with graphics like FSX. I used to love flying combat ops in Falcon 4.0 in a live theatre of war where anything could happen. Sadly its a little dated these days but it always felt like you had purpose while flying. Something i find missing flying Combat aircraft in FS. Heh i shut up waffleing now :wink:


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Thanks Steve,

Alphasim are pricey but no more than any other payware developer that's the nature of the beast. War birds are their game and they are very good at it.

Of course most of our reviews are of software provided directly by the developer and I take on board what you say about limited use, I have just started using Flight Deck 5 so it's quite handy!


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Hey joe,

I think i wrote that a little wrong. What i meant to get across was that its expensive for the ammount of use i would get from it. I use Flight Deck 4 at the moment with Alphasims Enterprise and carrier landing is an experience indeed.

Back when i first started with FS i bought the Enterprise and made this very short, rather rough video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYOKWjiQAAY My two and a half year old daughter still requests a viewing on a regular basis :wink: I think she just likes the music though :yes: I think it may be time to blow the dust off her and have another go.


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Hi Tap yes it is FSX with the default camera, the detail of this aircraft is the best I have seen in FSX.

Steve, sorry mate I did understand what you were saying, I have a lot of FS2004 aircraft brought on a whim for couple of screen shots and never see the light of day for months.

Perhaps we should have a screenshot post of the "skeletons in your cupboard"! Stuff you haven't flown for years?

Like the video too that was just like me yesterday! I'm going to catch that wire soon!


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Sorry for the late reply ABL,

The moon it standard FSX, the colour came from, I think, Xgraphics from the people who make Active Sky X although I now use Flight Environment X :mrhappy:


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Awesome machine there Mutley :mrhappy: I prefer the look of the Prowler over the standard A-6.

I have to admit that a few times, via a link on avsim, I find myself looking through the Alphasim catalogue. I say to myself, I want this I want that, but have never brought myself around to buying anything. I am tempted by the Firebrand and the Beaufighter, and the Scimitar. The Blenheim puts me off because I haven't seen a screenshot of the model with the turret retracted.

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I agree with you there, I could easily come away from Alphasim a few 100 pounds lighter :mrhappy: They do have a freeware section of some of the older models, may be worth having a look at.

You could always request a screenshot of the Blenheim on their forum?


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