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Keys Kayakers FSX Mission - some screenshots...

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Needed some time with the Merlin (EH-101), so I tried the (default) FSX Keys Kayakers Mission. Here's how it went - the start at KEWY:


Giving the VIP's a close-up view of the cruise liner:


Heading back towards Key West Intl:


Over the Naval Base (Navy Key West) after turning towards Johnson Key to search for the Kayakers:


Ah! There they are!


O.K. - first one coming up:


Loadmaster's view at the winch point:


Number two on his way up:


Back home - everyone's very happy - especially the Kayakers!


And we get our just deserts - the Boss renews our contract - Result!


It's a great mission - have a go... :thum:

Cheers - Dai. :cool:

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Great job Dai. :thum: Your a hero.

I had Acceleration for awhile back aways and it would crash my old computer and I had to remove it. I just reinstalled it on the new one and can't wait to try out all the new missions. There seems to be so much to do setting up a new PC that I haven't had a chance to do much flying, just watching the loading bars for days. I remember trying the sling load missions(Sugarloaf w/cable car repair parts?) without much success. Maybe I'll have better luck this time around. Awaiting the exit of guests that have been visiting, not that I haven't enjoyed their company but I have some flying to do. :whis:

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