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Sky Europe 737-700wl Basel to Vienna

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Hey chaps.

This is a post for all you guys who like to see a full flight. My mouse is still in recovery from 30 edits!! :mrhappy: Some of them not very good but a couple i'm very happy with. Hope you enjoy the flight.....

Sky Europe have a Hub at Vienna LOWW and fly from there to Nice. As ive flown to Nice quite often of late i decided Basel-Mulhouse LFSB would make an interesting flight along the edge of the Alps and so i started to plot my new flight. The aircraft is the PMDG 737-700 with Winglets. Ive always liked Sky Europes colors but there were no decent paint jobs until now. On to the pictures.

Sat awaiting boarding with departure set for 9:30am.


After programing the FMC and getting this bird started, pushback is underway.


Rolling out past the General Aviation hangers.


Making my way to Runway 16 with other traffic ahead.


Flaps 25­ rotating at 150kts as we leave the deck.


Climbing runway heading to 11'000


Making our first turn to get on course with Basel below.


Heading for NDB FHA.


Climbing now for FL220 clear of the low cloud and into the blue.


Cruise altitude reached at 9:48am only 24nm to FHA.


Settled in now. Time for a coffee.


Other flights making patterns in the sky.


Bit of sun.


The flight starts in France goes through Germany and Switzerland before we get to Austria. My Office.


Passing the Salzburg region at 10:09am. 135nm to go.


Instructed down to FL100 and heres my arrival weather.


10:20am. We turn on 120 as instructed for a runway 29 approach. Flaps 5 at 240kts.


10:35am. Visibility gets worse as we drop to 3'000. Heading 020 flaps 10 at 195kts.


10:40 Gear down flaps 25 at 150kts. Wind on the runway is 298 at 22kts.


Runway comes into view and i have 3 white 1 red....a little high.


Passenger with a nice view.


One of my better hand flown approaches.


Bearing down of 29 with an Austrian flight holding short off shot.


10:51am. Touching down at LOWW Vienna right wheel first.


Breaks Spoilers Reversers and Dust.


Slowing in plenty of time.


Recieving ground directions while i tidy up the aircraft. The holding Austrian gets away.


Rolling past the General Aviation Hangers....again.


Swinging her into the gate area.


No fancy airgate for us, passengers have to walk. 11:00am and another flight done.


Hope there were some shots you enjoyed. Comments good and bad always welcome....


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That has to be your best yet, each picture is as I would expect it, perfect!

It's nice to see the whole flight and these shots must have taken you hours.

I loved the shot from the cabin of the wing and flaps and the smoke on the touchdown looked so real, was that edited smoke?

My only bad comment would be there wasn't enough shots!


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I see you've been busy with the grass seed again, Steve! You ought to put it on AVSIM as a down-loadable add-on.....

No, Seriously, a lovely set - I particularly liked 'the office' - in dreams, eh? (Who brought Roy Orbison into this? - Ed)

Thanks for sharing - cheers - Dai. :mrhappy:

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OK, here's a challenge for you. You are so good that you should be up for this. Take one shot somewhere of a real airplane with a real camera. Come back to your simulator and build a series around it, then post all of them. Let us try to guess which one is the real photo. I'll bet there are more wrong answers than right ones.

Nice work...


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Cheers for the great comments guys :mrhappy:

Yes joe it took a while but not as long as you might think. Ground shots take some time but shots in the air only a minute or two. The smoke is half FS, i simply added a little more volume to what was there. I think this is my 3rd or 4th best yet post i've had from you. I don't know how much longer i can keep it up :eyebrow:

Thats a harsh challenge your laying down John. If i put my shots along side a real one i think it would be more than obvious but i might try :shock:

Thanks again guys...


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