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Prepar3D V1.4 released!

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Prepar3D V1.4 has now been released and available for download.

If you are a previous owner then there is a no charge to upgrade, it is available on your purchased downloads page here http://www.prepar3d.com/purchased_downloads

For new users, log in to the store here http://www.prepar3d.com/prepar3d-store

Those changes in full..

Prepar3D® Version 1.4 Release Notes / Change Log

After receiving great feedback from our SW Forum users, we have implemented new application enhancements and made fixes to improve stability and usability of Prepar3D®.

New Simulator Enhancements

• AMD EyeFinity Gold Certified - The simulation will now start with WideViewAspect enabled on EyeFinity-supported resolutions

• Windows and panels are now saved and loaded from multiplayer and multichannel flight files like they are in Singleplayer flights

• Panel-only camera views now save and load from flight files in single and multiplayer/multichannel flights

Performance Improvements

• Fixed several issues that caused stutters or performance issues in certain cases

• Bathymetry is now disabled by default in all performance profiles

User Interface Updates

• All user interface windows and dialogs now remember their last known position and what screen they were last on (see Learning Center User Interface Configuration section for details)

• Apply button has been removed from the user interface, and the accept and cancel button locations have been swapped

• Time of Day and Season are now accurately updated based on user input updates

• Advanced weather now accurately updates the simulation based on user input

• The flight map now saves all visual settings last set by the user

• Observer Management user interface refined and streamlined

Standard Vehicle Library Content Updates

• Mooney Acclaim M20TS provided courtesy of Lionheart Creations Ltd.

• IRIS T-6/A Texan II provided courtesy of IRIS Flight Simulation Software

Scenery Content Updates

• Fort Rucker Scenery Expansion - Three new airports with custom scenery objects on top of over 5km of aerial imagery including custom autogen tree placement.

• New Airports (Heliports) - KHEY (Hanchey Army Heliport), KFHK (Knox Army Heliport), and HEY (Hanchey Auxillary)

• Airport KOZR (Cairns Army Airfield) Updates - All new layout of buildings, taxiways, runways and airport objects to match 2010 aerial imagery, color corrected and blended to match the surrounding terrain.

• Fixed dozens of other legacy scenery and database issues in the existing scenery database as reported by our forum users

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Ft. Rucker is a main US Army Helicopter training field and KOZR is nearby and I think probably sees a lot of heli traffic too - that's mostly what Army Aviation is all about. It sounds as if the boys in Orlando are trying to make it rotary-wing friendly or maybe are making available to users work they've done under contract for someone else - ahem... We're not their primary market, but we can expect to get over time some of what they do under contract to others. It's hard to see a loser here.


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