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This is the Skymaster C337H at McLeland Field.

Sorry about the Airfield...It is waiting for new Terminal Buildings.

The video runs for four and a half minutes and is best viewed with the Quality clicked up to 1080p and the Full Screen icon at bottom right

corner clicked.

Thanks for looking :thanks:

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Nice flying Peter. It's a fun little plane that makes alot of noise and I enjoy taking it for a spin often. Your piloting skills are much better than mine, I might add.

I noticed that the GPS looks a bit washed out, have you tried this fix to add some color back into it. There are also some other fixes that help improve on the original too on the same site.

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Nice flying Peter. It's a fun little plane that makes alot of noise and I enjoy taking it for a spin often. Your piloting skills are much better than mine, I might add.

I noticed that the GPS looks a bit washed out, have you tried this fix to add some color back into it. There are also some other fixes that help improve on the original too on the same site.

I would really like that fix but it is impossible to send a PM to the author of those fixes. I wonder if anyone who has it could email it to me.

Thanks Brett...Strangely that file does not change anything when I put it in instead of the existing one. However, I noticed that there was another CAB for the GPS on the Carenado Centurian so I copied that file and renamed it for the Skymaster and that has fixed it OK.

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