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REX Essential Plus Announced

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From the REX Team!

My fellow simmers,

We're pleased to announce the finalization of REX Essential Plus. This new enhanced version of REX Essential includes all of the fixes for Service Pack 1 and several new enhancements and features.

Thank you all for your continued patience and support!


FIXED application performance and periodic freezing.

FIXED slow and extended weather data download issue.

FIXED slow and extended interpolation processes.

FIXED database repair and compacting issue.

FIXED QNH not reporting properly.

FIXED the reload weather function to confirm access of the most recent weather.

FIXED double weather injection process.

FIXED weather overwrite function to only load most current weather.

FIXED drag on FPS during weather injection process.

FIXED TAT with use of some 3rd party aircraft (Please note that during our extensive testing we found that each 3rd party aircraft developer uses their own method of calculating TAT)

FIXED import process of FS Build and FS Commander flight plans into the REX Flight Center.

FIXED processing time of FlightAware data.

FIXED FlightAware waypoint issue when saving international flight plans.

ENHANCED the restore function.

SIMPLIFIED licensing process for access to P3d.



ADDED new process to download archived weather from the REX EDGE data servers. (With the release of Service Pack 1, the access to the archive data dates back to January 1st, 2012. However, we will be incorporating more data from previous years as time goes on. This is a time consuming process and do not wish to hold up the service pack any longer in regards.)

ADDED new synoptic and micro weather station processes which allows for trans-oceanic flights utilizing real weather. This technique populates areas with few weather stations for a more robust weather experience allowing you to experience the effect of real frontal systems. Synoptic weather stations handle large areas of weather, which in turn produces the effect of large weather systems. Micro Weather Stations help with transitioning from local weather conditions, helping with fog, wind and precipitation transitions.

ADDED Weather Engine Plus, a new second weather engine mode utilizing the WEATHER THEME process to inject weather into FSX/P3D. This process is extremely fast, eliminates flashing and does not affect frame rates. We have also included the Synoptic and Micro weather station features adding more depth to this new weather mode. Weather Engine Plus injects real weather including real winds and temperatures aloft, archive, and random weather. To sum it up, there are two modes in which to inject weather into FSX/P3D: the station-by-station mode or the Weather Engine Plus mode. Our weather theme technology originally derived from previous work around weather themes within WM Weather Generator which allowed us to release custom weather themes to the market.

ADDED a new Download Center, which allow REX Game Studios to provide new FSX/P3D content to our user base in a timely manner.

ADDED the New Database Maintenance Tool which gives the user the option to optimize the database.

UPDATED the Flight Center to include temperatures aloft as well as winds aloft on the interface and within the NAV LOG.

UPDATED the Flight Center with updated current SIDS/STARS/Intersections/Waypoints for better representation of flight plans.

We will be posting details about each new feature in this forum while we complete beta testing.


Finally, once we release REX Essential Plus we will be offering instructional sessions that you can access via SKYPE to learn how to use REX to its fullest potential.

Seem great!


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yeah but it probably wont be released for another year its still in beta, i see they are also talking about essential overdrive now that interests me as i had rex2 with overdrive before deleting it and going with essential, i wonder if we shall have to delete essential and reinstall rex2 with all its bits and pieces then overdrive, omg that will be a pain

any thoughts Joe?

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