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what fsx add-on could you not do without

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P.C's like FSX are a very personal thing , everyone has their own ideas of how to do things and what they like to use on an everyday level that makes their usage that bit easier or pleasurable

There is a huge amount available for fsx , some programs are huge , some very small,

But which add on or add ons do you use in fsx that you simply could not be without and why???

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like you joe i install this also as a given

I also use the aerosoft flightsim commander 9.whatever, I have tried many flight planners some of which make planning just too complicated, and harder work than the products that i used when flying the line, the nice thing about flying the line is much of the planning is done for you by minions you jsut check it for gross error. For the simming that i do , i want the program to give me a realistic routing without too much input and fsc9.? floats my boat and it isnt expensive and not just US orientated.

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