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Yellowstone FireFighter

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Global Tankers on hire to the US Forestry Service for the fire season..

146 returning to KWYS for replenishment:


Heading for the Fire Base:


146 being topped up for the next sortie:


Flight plan filed:


Call of nature:


Back to business:


West Yellowstone is the latest airport release from ORBX and is to the usual high standard from the ORBX team.

There is additional goodies in this release as the National park has it's share of fire's in the dry season.

So the team have placed 3 flare ups around the area at different locations, these are the most realistic fires yet seen in FSX.

They can be switch out via the airport control panel, but is more fun left on.

The Fire Base is a seperate area to the main terminal area..

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Looking good James. :thum: It would be fun if you could put those fires out by dropping retardant on them. I don't see a porta potty in the third pic, I hope your not rusting out the side of that nice looking hanger. ^_^

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You shouldn't have asked him, he's out of the country. Now you need to watch your six for his root'in toot'in mentally unstable sidekick Big Jon. Luckily you can usually smell him (cheap beer, sweat stained leather and Red Man) before he gets close.

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Thanks for the advance notice. We were waiting. Big Jon looks good in jail. He's in the time out chair for being uncooperative. Now if we could only get him to stop crying....."Mr B will help me, waaa waaa, did you call Mr. B yet, waaaa waaaa." Sad really.

Thanks again for the pic's James and sorry for the hijack. :D

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