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which UK photographic scenery

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i currently have a copy of the horizon vfr photo scenery version 3 with the 4th disk (version4?) and my kids want buy me some more, however I have seen a just flight photoscenery offer for the whole of england for the price of 1 horizon region.

My questionsare are they the same product? do they start and stop at the same borders/ areas? or would i be better just buying the horizon stuff?

I note that there are some new higher definition scenery in the pipeline but this stuff seems to work for me as i dont need to see if i am in my garden.

your thoughts would be appreciated

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Hi BF,

If you are talking of Real Scenery from Just Flight then my advice is steer clear of it. It's not that bad in it's own right but wishy washy compared with Gen X. The coverage would be ok for the UK in general but it ends there.

The Gen X mesh is twice as accurate as RS and there are, as you say more updates in the pipe-line. I think the RS has reached the end of the line as far as updates go but would be happy to be told different by JF staff,

Also, if you are thinking of adding UK airfields, the UK 2000 series from Gary Summons use the same areas that Gen X does and blend seamlessly. Another point to consider is that there are many freeware sceenery extras for Gen X made by the likes of Tony Meredith http://www.arm-compu...fsx_latest.html .

The same goes for TreeScapes although you can use them with RS with a bit of extra work with scenery folders.

:twocents: That's my 2 cents, I look forward to other peoples opinions



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I have gen X and airfields with treescapes - I find it great and can see my house and local spots of interest e.g. where I go fishing :) I love FTX/Orbx and was thinking of England but it misses the fact I can see my local interesting points that Gen X has so have not invested in that just yet.

Good luck mate

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was messing around with scenery this afternoon and turned off 2 of the 3 scenery areas in VFR GenX vol3 and ran iFSX with ORBX England also installed. I flew to the edge of the VFR GenX area and I was able to fly along a line with VFR to the right and ORBX to the left.
The best I can say is that ORBX was pretty, not realistic, just pretty. It would have to improve a lot to raise it out of toy status for me.

For anyone who is happy with ORBX England, it can be made more realistic by running UTX Europe alongside, this adds virtually every road and side street in England,  It also improves the rivers and bridges but you'll need to do a bit of fiddling in the scenery library to get it all set up though. Earthsims trees also work and again gives realism a much needed leg up.

Hope this helps, sorry if I sound negative
Phil  (Matlock UK)

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It all helps Phil, thanks for your input.

I was flying in the Northern Rockies yesterday using ORBX scenery and I have to say, that close up, it is just as bad as England, when I say bad, it has many inaccuracies that I didn't notice before I tried ENG.

That's a problem for us locals because we expect it to be real world realistic and it's not, it's just an approximation. If you were a resident of Washington State you would have the same feelings, just the other way around!



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Have to agree with you there Joe - I used some VFR charts for PNW region and tbh it was quite good with lakes and powerlines etc but I can see locals being a bit disappointed with it. As I do not know the area nor have I ever been near there I do not know any better - it's just shiny graphics to me.

But with ENG as you say it's your home and you cannot picture it that way; I like my GenX far too much but every now and then I will have an orbx ENG moment :)

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