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Pitts S-2B * Aerofly FS

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Duh... your right I forgot about that posting already. My mind is like a sieve. Just looked at the site real quick but couldn't figure out the difference between the three sim's they were offering. Will have to do in indepth because it looks amazing detail wise and deserves a better look.

Thanks again Sam for the pic's, they look great. :thum:

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this sim has so much going for it, the aircraft are so much more realistic than fsx, look closely at the leading and trailing edges of the horizontal stabiliser, look at the zeus clips and things along the fuselage and yes there is only a basic instrument fit and a small region to fly in,

It is like getting a luxurious amazing meal in a resto where the chef can only cook one meal,,, for the moment

If they can get the resources to increase their world and give us a/c with full instrumentation with this quality and aerodynamics then fsx and prep3d will be forgotten in the blink of an eye however it is a big IF

I do hope that they continue

check out again the video on another thread here

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Thanks all! :thum:

Its is an excellent game! It has huge potential to expand into something bigger than what it is. The developers "Ikarus" have a presence on the Steam AeroflyFS Gamehub forums, where they check out users ideas, which is always re-assuring, they have allready mentioned they are beta testing future additions to the game. They have also mentioned the possibility of interlinking the product with the Steam Workshop, however they have said they have no experience with this but would look in to it. But if they were to link together with the workshop the posibilities would be endless, as the Steam Workshop allows users to create mods, which could include aircraft, scenery, buildings, tutorials etc etc which would be a huge adition to the game if it actually happened.

In all, a visual sensation! But it does lack key Simulation features, but it sounds like they are getting ready to improve this.

Sam. :cool:

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