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078 presents his complements to the field, but owing to his laptop having a severe case of the collywobbles, his participation in this year's event will probably be limited to standing in his garden watching you all depart from EGHI, and possibly watching the survivors on finals if rwy 02 is in use.  

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I learn something new every day - collywobbles is a new one on me. Thanks for the education and sorry about your troubles.



when I were a lad, one was warned one would get the collywobbles if one drank something cold directly after eating or drinking something hot

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Could be Brit, maybe John's PC went from loading one of the other FS forums and then directly loaded up this hot FS forum. :D


Silly me! of course as you say, that is enough to make any hard drive throw a wobbly in its colly

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Had to do a full reinstall of Dodos 7, consequently lost lots of stuff and have oodles of reinstalling ahead of me. Fortunately, the really important things, like FS9, were on a separate drive, so I'm back in the game, and G-AJCL has just landed in "the land of my fathers". Actually, it's the land of my father's mother, and G-AJCL, during it's Cambrian days, used to fly the Swansea-Southampton route, so we're both happy!

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I couldn't mistake the sound of the Rapide taking off John!


I was a bit confused when your pirep came in, you put your pilot number as 078, it should be 068 :thum: 




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