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Good site for third party Saitek FIP gauges

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Found this recently while looking for better than what Saitek offer for their LCD FIP's software gauge wise, Saitek only offered very basic ones at first and then added some slightly better ones but still left a lot to be desired IMHO.


http://fsxtimes.wordpress.com/  Click on the hardware tab and drop down to gauges/gauge collection for FIP's.


You'll need to subscribe to the guys blog and send a request for the gauges if you want them, the guy is open to requests for gauges if you have anything specific in mind but no guarantees ... instructions on how to install them are on that site too.


Also if anyone knows of any other downloadable gauges for the Saitek FIP's please chime in.



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Thanks Colin,

I only purchased one of these a few days ago and really pleased with it, these extra gauges will help extend it's functionality  :thum:

I haven't looked around yet for 3rd party add ons but will share if I find anything.



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Enjoy Joe :thum:


Beware though, they are a bit addictive, on my 7th one now and plan at least two more to have what I want instrument wise.


I was kinda lucky in that I got my first one free beta testing the original (it has a very low serial number) and was and still am always on the look out for bargains to buy more as cheaply as possible, currently the cheapest I see them for are £90 inc P&P new on Ebay I think it is ... I also have them on my Ebay watch list for hopefully getting a cheap second hand bargain.


I remember when they first came out and my PC of the time struggled with 4 and FSX at the same time so ran them from a second PC as detailed in the manual and that worked fine, with my current system I'm able to run 7 of them and FSX on the same PC comfortably without any major lag.


EDIT: I believe they work in P3D now but have not tried yet.



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