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Everything posted by mutley

  1. A lovely set of shots Jury, I like the way they build up to the awesome final shot!
  2. Awesome clouds they set off the livery nicely!
  3. I would like to see a built-in Google Earth API, so we can display flight plans or flown flights in GE. As Tim said, definitely some sort of Navigraph interface that can import flight plans and be the basis for an airfield database. OK, I cede to popular request, Unicorns.
  4. For all those who are following "Le Tour" and wondered how we get all that all that unbroken TV coverage, read on! https://www.flightradar24.com/blog/how-the-tour-de-france-goes-from-cycle-to-screen/?fbclid=IwAR32qXy-aIeG1CO-U8_JKg_F9l3Wta4EgjfBCVFZ5X8GuJM-neknzHQ01wM
  5. Happy birthday to one one our VIP members and wordsmith - Arnie! ..And many more, sending a virtual beer! Cheers, Joe
  6. Odd, I have seen them in FSX but not P3D eventhough the Envtex shader addon has textures for them. Try sitting on the runway at Tromsø for a while?
  7. https://kotaku.com/enormous-flight-simulator-installed-in-tokyo-hotel-1836238095 Brings a new meaning to "We're going down Captain"
  8. Alternatively, which 3rd party addon would you like to see incorporated / embedded into a new simulator?
  9. So here is an opportunity voice your most wanted additions / improvements to MFS2020 To start it off, I would like to see rainbows (but no unicorns lol)
  10. Lastest ... Nice Photoshopping, unless they are going to include some form of Depth Of View filters?
  11. Maplins .. Online electrical Store (Used to be one of my favourite shops )
  12. Hi Johan, there's been a lot written about this on the internet as no doubt you have seen. There doesn't seem to be a cure all solution but in my experience when the potentiometer gets dust or dirt inside they can go spiky. These items are not really serviceable other than using some switch cleaner to lubricate the contacts. Have a look on YouTube.
  13. Nice one Adrian, perhaps find a new image host?
  14. Hi Phil, I love VR but I agree the image quality is somewhat compromised. Just a matter time I hope until it is truly realistic.
  15. Well if you say it's a challenge to paint what chance have we got! Beautiful skins as ever JK, I must try the Porter out. Cheers
  16. Hi Marty, Welcome to our forum, its been very quiet here recently so I hope you get an answer.
  17. mutley


    Beautiful colours!
  18. Latest from Microsoft Studios in response to feedback to the trailer- ‘On behalf of the entire Microsoft Flight Simulator team, we humbly and deeply express our gratitude for such an overwhelmingly positive response to our announce trailer! We recognize that without people like you, we don’t get to make experiences like this that span more than 35 years and maintain such a passionate following. Thank you for being patient enough to weather the turbulence caused by some of our previous missteps. Thank you for being willing to look to the possibilities of the future while asking us to be ac
  19. Nice work on the camo JK
  20. Hi Marcus, please send the details to joe@mutleyshangar.com , I think my API key needs updating. Thanks, Joe
  21. Superb Jim, a great tribute, those shots are making me "Dizzie"
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