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Everything posted by jaydor

  1. You will have to reset your WideViewAspect after the latest update, as it has reset to 0.
  2. I agree Phil, I too have a lot invested in XP, but it's not been used on my machine since the launch of 2020.
  3. Dawn arrives at the small town of Stanley 2U7 in the heart of the Idaho wilderness.
  4. I been using imgur for years, it has to be the best and easiest on the internet.
  5. Download page: https://www.aerosoft.com/en/flight-simulation/news/1st-aerosoft-dlc-for-the-new-msfs-for-free
  6. Tim, I have a problem registering on PlanGv3 It will not verify may password and tells me my answer to IFR is wrong. Help I am stranded in Paradise. Solved. I was registering and was already a member. (Senior moment) It will come to you and the rest. Kind regards from an Ole'man
  7. I have some Army hardtack biscuits my dad kept from the war if you want them...
  8. Andrew, It's good to see you have gone to the trouble of showing us that the video maker is more at fault than the Carenado model. The problem is we live in a media driven world where people find it easy to start a video channel. They then become obsessed with number of followers which bring in money for them. Then the super ego kicks in and they become convinced they are an expert. Thank you for being diligent in fact finding that the model is OK. I have it in X-Plane and had it in FSX, so the logic was to get it for 2020, but sadly I succumbed to the influence of the video and that's wh
  9. The patch was to get simconnect working and to sort out minor faults and major install problems for new buyers. A bigger patch is coming soon to update most problems reported.
  10. I just can not go back to X-Plane after flying around in 2020. It has got to be the realism outside of the window that is the draw. I am only flying the Steam gauged C172, but getting so much enjoyment from it, I am completely hooked. I never thought I would end up saying what I just said. I have tried all the planes and have settled on the 172. Yes there are some things that are not yet correct, but I can live with that knowing it will get fixed. The Garmin (sorry Tim) GNS530 does not register some airports, but when navigraph becomes the major updater to the navigation syst
  11. Navigraph moving map is working in 2020. KFFC to 5A9 via BBIAT
  12. I am hooked, had to try Atlanta after watching StevoKinevo and Mindy youtube videos. Even been around the Gulf of Oman. It's so easy to explore the world and not have to make the scenery first.
  13. It's funny how one entry number wrong in the Bing elevation input can make for a crackin collision hazard in 2020. Oh! and give Melbourne the world record. Now! how can I forge my carrots in the garden with a new elevation.
  14. I have been trying out all the a/c in the GA family and for me the most realistic so far is the Cesna C172 with steam gauges. It flies a lot better than the G1000 version. The next one is the X-Cub. Anyone else with a favorite?
  15. I have been trying to put my finger on what is wrong with 2020 and that video proves it is the Mesh that is at fault.
  16. Done thank you. Works a treat. I did right CTRL for pause on and right SHIFT for pause off.
  17. In my hangar now, thank you Tim..
  18. I wonder if someone will come along and do to the A320 in 2020 what Zibo has done for the 737 in X-Plane?
  19. They had the chance to make it with much better airport lighting realism than XP, but have now missed the boat. I very much doubt that it will ever be rectified as it is most probably embedded deep in the code.
  20. I am pleased that ORBX listened and made a update out of the shop fast. Mind from the stick they received they had to. Lets hope they and other dev's learn, brand new sim, learn the brand new way of working. Those who stay with the port over way of doing things will sink and deserve too.
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