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Everything posted by jaydor

  1. Me too Phil, still using my joystick hat to look around but it trims down or up instead.. LOL
  2. To get to your .cfg WpSystem/S-1-5-21-****-1001/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalCache/FlightSimulator or the easy way; go to your MSFS2020 drive and type in the search bar MicrosoftFlightsimulator.cfg
  3. ...for those with wide view monitors...there is the turn on WideVIewAspect as in P3D. Well, quess what..it is in the Flightsimulator.cfg file on line 30...with it turned off..but IT IS THERE... I just set mine to WideViewAspect=1 and saved with Note Plus + or you can use Notepad. That will correct your fish eye when you go to External Camera, as well as when you pan inside the cockpit..on a wide view monitor such as a 3440x1440. Fish Eye gone... Thanks to Sesquashtoo on Avsim Update: You will have to reset your WideViewAspect after your latest updates, as it reset's t
  4. Asobo know about the Control Menu rollover and it is on their to-do list..
  5. I have got rid of most menus showing in 2020, but can not find the turn off for these type notices. Anyone help a pensioner please.
  6. "Eye's closed I am coming through" Top of the London eye.
  7. jaydor

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    Ar! I guess he is a metal tetectorist as his other hobby and is looking for coinage..
  8. Phil I have attached a Xbox controller to the sim and the vibrations work in that ok?
  9. Orbx have released the promised updates to London City Airport and London Landmarks. They are available for immediate update via ORBX Central, but you may have to wait if purchased from the MSFS store. Well done ORBX you listened.
  10. Thank you Andrew. I uninstalled the first, as the files had gone walkabout on the original install. So I created a Flight Simulator 2020 file on a new sdd and installed it to there. All files now accessible and the sim seems to be running better. The joys of technology. Thanks again. James
  11. So your saying, this sim is so good you got blown away?
  12. I had to delete the first install off the machine as the files had gone all over the place. Have done a second install onto it's own SSD as I don't want to spend another 7 hours downloading. But here is a tip if you get a problem with ctd's etc., Go to you windows APPs settings and repair from there do not uninstall. Do Repair first. If that fails do Reset; but reset will wipe off your setting and revert the sim to default.
  13. Can not see anything Soya! also hello again.. It must be the URL you are using.. Get yourself a xbox controller and use it in Showcase Camera you will go crazy at the results you can make.
  14. Looks impressive, far more realistic than what we have been used to. Also looks much easier to use than the old MP and JoinFS.. Thanks for showing us..
  15. Morning arrives at Innsbruck:
  16. Thank you Andrew for quite a good opening batsman approach. I like you, have c+cked up the first install and now on my second install incarnation. Thanks for the good read and look forward to your future updates.
  17. I took the plunge and bought ORBX London City airport, London landmarks and LOWI Innsbruck. OK the landmarks are a port over but do improve London in places such as overflying, but don't look to close as some things Orbx have destroyed. But to be fair they have said a update will be free. So I am satisfied until something better arrives. EGLC and LOWI very acceptable. Lowi has greatly improved 2020 as it is an improved port over with many adjustments to include the content improvements of 2020 and use the tools. Shots below; top = orbx bottom = 2020 Orbx are going to re
  18. Have bought these today to replace my Combat ones.
  19. Be Aware: Lots of orbx customers complaining on the orbx forum about the London land marks. They are saying that Orbx have rushed out a port over of London Landmarks and reduced the quality of what Asobo have been trying to achieve. People feel let down by Orbx by not being told it was a port over. The answer given by Ed Correria was; "Best enjoyed from 1000ft". That's no answer and only brings Orbx into disrespect by customers. So be aware that all of the main stream Developers seem to be using the (What should be outlawed) port over sceneries to get on the platform fast. But that c
  20. People are reporting that when they try altering camera angles in the settings panel, the sim is crashing to desktop. If you have not done anything like that then you will not notice until you do, so be aware..
  21. The files are not accessible like any normal window files. Most are hidden or kept on the MSFS mainframe back in the USA. You can not access aircraft files to paint them. I am trying to find out if the 6 disk set from Aerosoft places all the files as normal onto your computer and not treat it as a APP like the download.
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