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Everything posted by Viking

  1. Thanks a lot to all for your comments on the pictures Viking
  2. Hi Thaks guy´s ... waaaay to low near those mountains, juuust made it ...dooh! Viking
  3. Pictures from a flight that went from Bolzano / Italy - Innsbruck / Austria Cliiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmbbbbbbbbb......arrrgh...! pheeeeewwww .... Well .... that was pretty much it for that flight, and thanks for watching if you came this far Viking PS. Tileproxy used for scenery (Virtual Earth), wich i must say is my main provider for scenery.
  4. Hi Thanks all for your responce to the pictures. Im flying with Tileproxy using webatlas.no to feed sattelite pic`s into the sim while propping around our fantastic globe. happy flying to all...! Viking
  5. Testing this photo posting stuff......! When i figured out that i might just be able to control this "posting pictures" i went a little overboard as you can see. Anyway.... Pictures are from 2 different flight`s with different aircraft`s as you can see, but the area flown is the same ...same Backyard between ENML - ENAL Norway. If you got this far, then thanks for watching the pictures Viking
  6. Hi Charlie I remember i had some kinda problem like that with one of Carenado`s aircraft`s in FS 2004. I belive it was a " contact point issue " between the wheels and some addon scenerye`s. Well .... dont go hang me in the nearest tree if this dosent solve the issue , but take a look her : http://www.carenado.com/CarSite/Portal/index.php?accion=update Go down that list and find : Several FS2004 aircraft - Bouncing issue, and see if that patch that works for several of their aircraft`s dosent fix the rudder problem too. Cheers Viking
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