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Everything posted by Slopey

  1. I'd recommend AeroWeather, and PilotWizz :mrhappy:
  2. Just ordered one of these from SimW.com: Also noticed they have a radio stack for a reasonable amount also - might have to plump for one of those too! Not due to ship until Sept, but I'll post a review when it arrives
  3. Slopey

    Track IR

    TrackIR is imho essential for Flight Sim - you need it - simple as that. There is only one gotcha, and that is that on FSX you can't adjust the view/eye point (shift-Return/shift-Backspace)while using the TrackIR as the motion tracking will continually reset it to the default for your aircraft. There are 2 work arounds - first, edit the eyepoint in the aircraft.cfg, or more easily, adjust the trackIR once you're in the cockpit so you're "sitting" higher - the latter is the easiest solution. If you use the vector hat clip (as opposed to the headset clip), you can do this easily by tilting yo
  4. Which is why, at least in the LOMAC world, it's best to launch twice on an enemy. The first forces the error, the second cleans up when they've lost the energy from the initial avoidance (or while they're still asleep!)
  5. It's not that much more economical, and certainly not considering the purchase cost. Multi-engine doesn't necessarily mean safer, it just means the remaining engines will fly you to the crash site. And the survivability of parachute deployments is certainly up for debate - look at the Cirrus for example. It would need a decent undercarriage, and CAPS deployments over water are a Bad Thing. However, you'll be subject to the same licencing requirements regardless with a type conversion probably. Also, how does VTOL capability affect the licence type required to operate it. I'd imagine th
  6. All of these are to a lesser and greater extent pointless. Especially in Europe where the lack of uncontrolled airspace (in most parts), and the licensing regime does not favour the "odd balls". The 'Transition' sounds great in practice, but landing somewhere other than an airfield for weather avoidance is at best the *last* resort rather than the defacto. Unless you're in the US roads don't tend to be straight and invariably have powerlines/lighting/fences/hedges along side them. I certainly would pick the nice empty field every time, but depending on the condition of the field, you ain't
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