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Edward Longe

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Everything posted by Edward Longe

  1. Hello I have just spotted that Captain Sim have released their 767. Priced at
  2. After a quick look on the Aerosoft website I spotted that they have annouced Male X for FSX. Sorry mutley, I saw it on Aerosofts site and thought to let others know. From Aerosofts Froum: The complete North-Male atoll (approx 4000 square kilometers) with several highly detailed islands and resorts, the city of Male and the major international airport together with the famous seaplane base that links the airport with the small resorts. Lots and lots of Twin Otter AI from the 2 airlines "Maldivian Air Taxi" and "Trans Maldivian Airlines". http://www.aerosoft.com/cgi-local/re/iboshop.cgi?show27
  3. Some brilliant photos there. I'll take some shots at RIAT and post them here!
  4. Is there anyother FS expos planed that you know of. I emailed First class simulations regarding the Flight and Train sim showm in Birmingham and I will report back when they answer my email. I hope it is on!
  5. This years event at Cosford has been cancelled due to a lack of support. A very sad day for Flight sim http://astrasimexpo.co.uk/login/4533815974#/latest-news/4531343867
  6. I have been to Cosford several times now and love the meusem! would you need to buy a seperate ticket to go around the meuse, aswell as the expo.
  7. Yep, i'll be there, its in my diary! I'll need to get some money tho (I'm not leaving empth handed ). Can you get tickets in advancre and if so when? Oh and will you be there Mutley?
  8. I know, thats why I posted the question, I'll wait for Joe to answer
  9. I'll be there! Do you know if aerosoft will be there?
  10. Hello I have an aircraft that was built in 1925, would this be allowed
  11. After the Traffic X disaster, I decided to go back to World of AI here are the shots taken in fs2004! Some dodgy approaches! In Antigua!
  12. Hello Just a collection of random shots. My F/Rs were low so I turned my AA down. Enjoy After percussing Real scenery Airfields white Waltham I thought a taxi around would be interesting A sunset shot. Another strange visitor at White Waltham! Taking the Seahawk out for a spin A USAF F-16 keeping the peace! A strange arrival for Sunday service The new priest arrives in style! Thanks for viewing!
  13. The Constalation looks an absoute beauty! Nice to see the Baton made it safely! Great Shots aswell
  14. I'd like to see GA or Vintage British aircraft.Done
  15. I should start charging for my ideas then!
  16. I hope one is announced, if not it gives me an excuse to drag my dad around the musum at cosford, coincidently when the expo is on :great:
  17. Is there a show this year (2009). I hope there is. :great:
  18. Hi Just thought that oneday we should do a flyout down to france or somewhere. Anyone up for it
  19. It was an honour to contribute to this years challange and to take the baton from Wideawake to Lome-Tokin. To do this, I enlisted the help of a real heavy weight! the Antonov AN124! I departed Widawake at about 07:30 (Local) for the two and a hlaf hour journy. Here are those snaps. Thanks for veiwing! She is a nightmare to land! Its over to you now mut!
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