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Everything posted by Hero540

  1. Hero540


    I had an issue with AI planes taxiing into my parked not moving, engines running BEACON AND NAV FREAKIN' BRIGHT HELLO LOOK AT ME lights on (sorry for the shouting... ) So I went into the options of FSX and disabled plane to plane collisions, but I left ground and object crash detection on. Will this interfere with Airhauler? If I botch a landing, which considering I'm learning more about the legendary DC-3 after flying trikes, WILL happen I'd like the damage to be recorded realistically. However I'm sick of the blind AI pilots driving their planes into mine on the ground.
  2. Hey, thanks! I almost took some tracer rounds to the face, so it was mostly luck. In other words, there was some "splash" damage to the ol' flight suit, lol. Gross. Erm, anyways I appreciate you taking the time to watch!
  3. Playing Strike Fighters 2 in Mercenary mode. The Green Scorpion Mercenary Squadron (my unit) is working with NATO forces in a fictional middle eastern conflict involving the also fictional Kingdom of Dihmar and Soviet-backed Imperial Paran. Though the conflict is in 1957, my sad and penniless mercs are flying the already outdated F-86 Sabre. There's a bounty system in place for mercenaries like us, so each air-to-air and air-to-ground kill are rewarded monetarily to the pilot responsible. In other words, it's the only way for us to make money. Our first mission sees a squadron of Parani/S
  4. Excellent information, John, thank you! So that debunks my only admittedly off the wall possibility. I just really hope they find out what happened, and soon. The longer they keep spotting the wreckage, then changing their minds, and spotting it again in a new place, the more I begin to suspect foul play.
  5. I'm not one for conspiracy theory whatsoever... and I'm not saying that these conspiracy theories of the past various things don't hold water. I'm basically just saying I really don't know enough about anything to say what is right and what is wrong, and I guess that may be a good thing. I don't remember who said it or where I heard it, but true knowledge is knowing that you know nothing, and that's kind of what I try to live by. That being said, please don't confuse what I'm saying as a conspiracy theory I'm concocting or that I believe 100% in, but view it as more of a question. Perhaps I sh
  6. Thanks! #2 is my desktop background, at the moment, lol. I kinda wish I saved the original before I applied the blur effect. I was hoping to get like a sensation of movement by adding a type of zoom blur, but I guess it didn't turn out. Thanks for taking at look at the pictures!
  7. Just some recent ones from my past few FSX sessions.
  8. I would like to use the Basler BT-67's VC with a regular DC-3 by Manfred Jahn, just because the BT-67's VC is so outstanding and features a GPS! I wonder if I could pull this off using this tutorial. Thanks for sharing!
  9. Thanks for the reply! It's kind of frustrating because I feel there is almost no interaction or way for me to seek out new pilots or advice without access to the forums. Glad I'm not the only one experiencing this issue. It could make or break it for me if it does or doesn't get resolved. Because, unfortunately, in order to manage your own virtual airline, you have to pay about 2.50 pounds each month, which translates to something like 50 USD per year, which isn't too bad. I'd definitely continue to buy a premium membership, but only if I can actually use their forums. Thanks, Brett!
  10. Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm currently posting this from my cell phone inside my taxi cab awaiting a pickup. If you do yourself one favor in your life, do not become a cab driver. Anyways, as the topic says, does anyone here use FsAirlines? It's much like the legendary FsEconomy, but with virtual airlines. Seeing as how I wanted to make Red Bird Airlines a possibility, I went ahead and signed up at their website and am currently on my two week trial membership, which has allowed me to start the airline. It's pretty fun and I'm enjoying the money management and flight tracking. However, w
  11. Thank you! That means a lot to me. It's a great uplifting feeling when your work is appreciated and enjoyed by others. I personally would like to give a shot to the 727 by captain sim, love the look of that airplane with it's triple engines. If you're undecided about the CS 737-200 for whatever reason and you have the cash, I would whole-heartedly recommend it. I don't fly jets very often, but ever since I have purchased that plane and the cargo expansion, it's one I will always come back to fly. The sound-set is great, the exterior and interior model is amazing, it's a dream to fly. Like
  12. Thanks for posting that video, Brett! Very informative and helpful to me, as I'm still considering different programs. Based on my research, of several programs, they look quite complex in terms of interface. I have a joystick for flying, but the rest of my sim is controlled with the keyboard, and these key command lists on some of the programs are extremely long. I don't have a printer, so writing down a lot of this information would be quite the job. But at the same time, complexity is what makes realism, so it's not necessarily a bad thing. For me, I think the most difficult part for me wil
  13. Thanks for reading Brett! I really appreciate it. Boy, the Dreamliner...there's a plane! A bit too big for me, I think. I enjoy the Captain Sim 737-200 because, if I have to, I can hand-fly it and it reminds me of flying a lighter aircraft like my favorite the Carenado Cessna 337. Thanks, Geoff! I did have a strong interest in becoming a photo journalist, but that was more for the photography which I still practice to this day and have considered uploading some of my photos. I also still cling to a dream of writing fiction novels, but I have yet to really do anything with that. My in
  14. Here's a fictional newspaper article I threw together after a flight I tried today. Apparently, even with REX Overddrive installed, FSX likes to throw sudden hurricane-force winds at you. When you have FsPassengers running...this makes for a bad day. Is there a setting I'm missing that will allow me to stop this from happening? An Airline That's Destined For The Birds? By Bill Dodson March 5th 2014, Monterey Calif. You may have heard of a small upstart in the aviation business, called Red Bird Airlines. Born in June of 1993, Red Bird Airlines was founded from the ground up by it's C
  15. Haha! Oh no! I didnt think of all of that. However, I can say, thankfully, that being as I'm only 24 going on 25, and the soon to be wife is 23 almost 24, we are avoiding the kids thing as much as we can. The idea scares us, frankly. So hopefully that won't happen until we want it to (if ever) and I can continue to fly a bit here and there between work and mortgage. Oh, and I must say thank you for the congratulations. I'm quite a happy guy as it were, and I feel very blessed!
  16. Thanks for the fast reply! I'm looking into another one called Pro-Flight Emulator as well. I don't understand why add-ons for FSX are so expensive, but I guess it gives me an excuse to start saving money. I also realized I basically posted this in the wrong forum. I think it would've gone better in the AI traffic forum, but ya know, I guess I need to drink more coffee...
  17. So, as the topic title says, FSX is not really known for world-class air traffic controllers. If they don't fly you into a mountain range, vector you in figure 8's or make everyone onboard air sick by forcing you up 1,000 feet only to immediately descend that same 1,000 you just climbed you're probably on VATSIM with a real person who knows what they're doing. Here's the thing though. I flew for several hundred hours on VATSIM. Not bunches, especially when my flight simulator log shows me over 2,000 hours. So obviously most of my flying has been offline, and even then, it's been mostly und
  18. I can't say I have ever heard of phpVMS. I do have very little money to invest in anything anymore, and so I'd like to avoid monthly fees at all costs. The fiancee and I have just bought and new house, and her and I are also looking at a wedding this year, so finances are a bit tight. But I'll definitely take a look at phpVMS. Thank you for the heads up. As far as advertising goes, I have a YouTube channel where I used to make Let's Play videos and the like, so making videos and "advertisements" shouldn't be a problem. In fact, I'm editing some images now to put together some pseudo adver
  19. Sometimes, I wonder if I think too much and it just gets me into more trouble than had I just gone along as normal, lol, so I hear you. Thanks for reading and giving your opinion Brett. I imagine you're correct as most serious flight simmers would probably have these add-ons already, however I think the fact that my VA's webpage would probably be a proboards forum would very likely turn away these serious simmers.
  20. Why do I have the feeling that if I were a pilot working for a cargo outfit in real life that I could just replace "Mr. Wagstaff" with my name and that'd be the letters I would receive from my bosses...
  21. Hey guys! So I had an idea for a virtual airline. Seeing as how I'm not very skilled with HTML or website building and such, and the fact that I have little to no money what-so-ever to bank into an ACARS program and the like, it might be a little unprofessional looking, as it would have to be a free-forum based airline. However, I think I could organize it nicely enough to be decent in appearance. Logging flights might be old fashioned and more of a "honor based" system...however I would also like to use FsPassengers as it has a really nice logging system, and it simulates possible failures an
  22. Heh heh. The rewards for good Captaining! Awesome screenies. Is that ORBX scenery for Phoenix? It looks outstanding!
  23. All of these shots are beautiful! And your liveries are all just mind blowing! What model is this?!
  24. Thanks for taking a look! I appreciate it!
  25. Thanks! Vancouver was a treat when I got there, spent a lot of my descent blind in some thick cloud cover. I have never been so happy to see PAPI lights before. As for your PAX program, it sounds like you were using FsCaptain. I own and use FsCaptain as well, mainly for cargo flying. It's also a great program, but a lot more complicated to set up and use. It's a stickler about proper load mapping and basically wants you to map your own plane by hand, whereas FsPassengers just seems to know. You can check out FsCaptain here: www.fscaptain.net And see if maybe that's what you were t
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