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Everything posted by ptds

  1. B52 test launch of a Hound dog missile
  2. Red Arrow practice over RAF Scampton
  3. Hamburg has now ben sold, just Lugano airport left. Brand new still sealed £10 + £1.20 postage. Pete
  4. I have 2 Xplane10 Airport scenery, brand new still in wrappers. Unwanted gift. Airport Lugano & Airport Hamburg. £20 for both + postage. Is anybody interested? Pete
  5. The US Airforce version, a Hound dog launch
  6. Here is one of my first time entry's It's a Hawk
  7. ptds

    ORBX Iceland

    Many thanks for the info and the link. I look forward to having a fly around the area I visit as it is quite spectacular in real life. Pete
  8. ptds

    ORBX Iceland

    To say Iceland is boring is a bit harsh. I travel to iceland for business and yes the lanscape is very desolate and baron, but what a spectacular scenery it is in real life, I have not downloaded the scenery yet, the last time I looked I could not find the link. I just hope it is as good as it looks in the screnshots. As for the lack of trees this is true to life - in fact it is a well known saying that if you ever get lost in an Icelandic forest, just stand up! Pete
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