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Everything posted by Ruzzo

  1. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Nice screens James, Is the water in NYC supposed to be like that?
  2. Through the middle of Tower Bridge? Yes!
  3. Getting some hours in..
  4. The fourth screenshot is sensational.
  5. Phew! Thankfully there wasn't any passengers..
  6. Good job that you don't get sea sick whilst on the water. Superb screens and two great legs. Making me more and more want the Cat, is she a sweet bird to fly?
  7. It's a beautiful day Sky falls, you feel like It's a beautiful day Don't let it get away
  8. Great video, Nigel. "It looks a little alarming because it looks as if we're going straight into that bank of snow, I suppose we are really.."
  9. Superb screens. I'm downloading the demo currently, thanks to your showcase.
  10. Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-24773025 EDIT: Woops, should be in 'Real World Aviation' Sorry..
  11. Ruzzo

    Tight Squeeze!

    I haven't flown around extensively but Reykjavik in the evening is really something.
  12. Can you believe it.. Air Force One is coming to Cardiff (EGFF)! Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-24764257
  13. Superb screenshots, Rosario. Love the water in that fourth one.
  14. Excuse the lights and full flaps, it's just a quick shot with one of my favourite aircraft at BIRK(Orbx Iceland DEMO)
  15. Nice shots James, World of AI traffic?
  16. Speedbird Concorde 2 in the Canarsie Climb for the last time.
  17. What do you use? I am currently using an external limiter but I can't see that much of a difference between that and the internal FSX limiter.
  18. Great screens, Alan. Atleast the ATCO's can breathe.. for now. They must be happy that the storm will be missing most of the traffic. Gonna hit Cardiff at roughly 0000 hrs..
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